Recently I saw some online comments with side-by-side pictures of Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos then (1997) vs. now (2017), then being before alpha male and now on alpha male stats. What a difference aging powerfully makes ! Aging for some CEOs is a blessing, as life turns them from unremarkable, some might say sheep, to powerful men. Bezos is not the only case of  beta-turned-alpha. I also included here pictures of  Muhtar Kent, long standing CEO of Coca-Cola who stepped down last May and is still its Chairman.

Image: Daily Mail U.K.10/10/13, Picture date: 1997


Getty Images, TMZ Media, 07/2017


Picture: Coca-Cola archives, 1993                                                                                                           From Youtube PwC’s 17th Annual Global CEO Survey.2014

What a difference 20 or some years makes in people’s lives…If they can take it to the next level.

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Most people that work in finance are soft as a cloud blanket. If you’re soft, you’re never gonna get anywhere.

What will your picture say in twenty years ? Or better yet, what statement do you make with your body now? You don’t have to wear an Armani suit, just casual.

Updated Aug. 23, 2017

Reader Alli is asking: Who is the alpha in this scene from Poolhard Junkies. Is it Christopher Walken (“Uncle Mike”) or Chaz Palminteri (“Joe”) ?

See also  More on training and recovery

18 Replies to “Alpha vs. Beta: 20 years”

  1. Sal says:

    I think of my body as my signature. I look much better now than I did 10 years then. Body statement: Nobody messes with me.

  2. Arthur says:

    Most people in finance are weaklings, softies. Pathetic. It's sad to see men cry when their girls didn't return their call.

  3. John says:

    What you need is a rite of passage. Did mine. I peed on my gf after we shacked last night.

  4. Max Cantor says:

    I like your attitude. Let's hear from other alphas. Oh, ladies, do yourself a favor and get off this site before you get offended. This is now alpha male safe zone.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Max said something about conquering your fears in a previous post. Conquering your fears is the way to become effective. I can testify I work with a bunch of luddites who shit in their pants if anyone even raises their voice at them. Pathetic.

  6. Arthur says:

    I think it is useful for a man to get into a physical fight one time or another. Get his ass kicked -within reason-. Office workers think they've "scored" if they got a like on FB or Twitter. The biggest downside with technology it's how it's shaped our lives, made our lives moronic and dull.

  7. Max Cantor says:

    Arthur, manhood is more than hard power. It's soft power also. Men have zero authority with women. Millennial men get more excited at eating out at different restaurants, for example, than their women do. They need to be "liked". Don't even know who the "sweetheart" is, is it the man or the woman ?

  8. Arthur says:

    They need counseling when "something goes wrong". They're men in title and body, not in fact. Dummies. Feelers. They even use girl words: OMG, "so true", "She's my bestie", "That is so me", "I can't believe…", "Creeps me out".

  9. Sal says:

    The true test of manhood is hardship: going without food and sleep for certain periods. There are no substitutes for that.

  10. Max Cantor says:

    I think the feminization of men starts with the corporate mold up. As men become corporate mouthpieces, their individuality shrinks. They hold the line. Their parents tell them what to do. The wives tell them what to do. Going back to my central idea, their bosses now tell them what to do. It is a slow, methodical process of domestication.

  11. Dexter says:

    What is wrong with these people ? They think they just pump themselves up and wake up an Alpha next morning ? Maybe Max can give these numbnuts some tips. The softies just don't get it. This is a process that takes time, trial and error, a boatload of mistakes and losing, then losing some more.

  12. Robert says:

    Fucktards can't learn anything unless the lesson takes 6 seconds or less.

  13. Allie says:

    Who's the alpha, Max ? Huh ? (Scene: Poolhall Junkies, 2002)


  14. Max Cantor says:

    You tell me. Better yet, we'll place the video in the post and see what the readers have to say.

  15. Jack says:

    It's Walken. He stays undisturbed when the conman (Palminteri) provokes him.

  16. Devansh says:

    Chaz- "Cause I bread them. You're clothes are getting a little smashed. blah blah, blah."
    Walken -"I think it's you who's sweating this. How much you got in your pocket. How much for your ring ?"

    Puts Chaz to shame. They're both toughies, but Walken is a class act. No second acts.

  17. Vivaan says:

    Chaz ain't bad, he thinks he can cheat swing anybody.

    Every time you put on that suit you will think of me taking your money."


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