Those of you working on Wall Street are aware of upcoming battle of the giants between Berkshire Hathway’s Buffet and Elliott Management’s Singer over the future of now bankrupt Texas utility company TXU. A iconic buyout era remnant, TXU has since defaulted is is now known as Energy Future. (Reuters)

Elliott is the largest creditor to Energy Future. A subsidiary of Energy Future, Oncor, is the largest public utility in Texas, with 10 million customers. So who gets to own that ?

Warren Buffet is the world’s wealthiest and most celebrated investor. An iconic figure, Buffet dislikes hedge funds for wasting client’s money (CNBC) yet he operates like a huge long-only hedge fund the only difference is he is using his own money, not investor money. He sounds a lot like a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

Because of sheer size and might, Buffet is a hard act to match. Because he has the nod of the state regulators, Buffet seems favored. Will Elliott’s higher bid force Buffet to improve his offer ?

The better question is: who’s baiting whom ?

Warren Buffet is the 800 pound gorilla that puts on makeup everyday to look lovely and harmless. -Max Cantor

No, you won’t read that on Reuters or Bloomberg, or anywhere else for that matter. It’s ironic how the world’s first hedge fund, Berkshire, is also arguably the most powerful and most profitable. Just don’t call it a hedge fund.

Do you want to figure Buffett out ? (You and 500,000 others). Then, answer this question:

What is Buffett’s blindspot ? 
If you can answer that question which I answered many years ago, you would have him figured out.

How does it look now ? Better ?

0 Replies to “Warren Buffett vs. Paul Singer”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Awesome ! I am glad I found you. This is Wall Street on steroids meets Tinny Buddha meets Fearless Motivation.

  2. Max Cantor says:

    Thank you for the compliment. I think of my blog as more of strategy blog. There is nothing else like it on the Internet.


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