If you have more than one kid, inevitably you’re faced with the issue of which one is the darling-est of them. You’ll have a favorite, even as you love them all. If even one of them resonates with you more, you will prefer him or her. Did I get you sad saying this stuff ?

Well, cheer up. Silicon Valley doesn’t have that problem anymore.

Silicon Valley can adopt me, Max Cantor, as its favorite son !

Because Silicon Valley needs an alpha male.

Let that sink in.

Silicon Valley can benefit tremendously from the son who is a transplant from the buy-side. A son who is a cosmopolitan visionary and who drinks a gallon of gumption-aid a day.

A cute little pitbull would have made the journey from Wall Street out west on foot. Can you imagine a cute puppy treading 3,000 miles on his paws like a champ ?
If that doesn’t melt your heart, I don’t know what does.

Out with the old [guard], in with the new.

We’ve got the news that Peter Thiel is planning to leave San Francisco, although his Founders Fund I think it’s still in the Presidio. Thiel struck gold with Facebook, Palantir, and other investments.

From Wall Street Journal’s Peter MacMillian: “Groupthink and homogeneity is making it a worse place to live and work.” -quoting Tom McInerney

Groupthink and homogeneity is exactly what I keep you away from. Safe son, safer parents.

Tim Feriss has also moved out of the San Francisco Bay Area to Austin, TX. Did any of these guys knew about me ? Who knows. Did they feel threatened ?

See also  Inaugurating the top strategist alive, Max Cantor

Silicon Valley doesn’t need more beta males ! What the tech industry needs is true leadership !

I won’t miss neither Thiel or Ferriss.

Look, I’m not trying to built myself a casket to the future. I don’t want to preserve myself for the benefit of future generations. If you want to put my head in jar of pickles like Moe the Bartender has on The Simpsons to extend my life, that’s no life.

Will Silicon Valley step up to the plate and adopt this cute pitbull ?

0 Replies to “It’s time for Silicon Valley to adopt its cutest son: Max Cantor”

  1. Ben says:

    Hello Max Cantor,

    Can you count on Marc Benioff ?

  2. Beckie says:

    Way to run these people out of town, Max Cantor !

    Salud ! A toast to your health !

  3. Max Cantor says:

    I did not, but thanks.

    This should be a maxim: Take credit for what you didn't do. It's the first step to riches." -Anonymous Billionaire

  4. Max Cantor says:


    When I started this blog, 5 years ago I was picking tracks from Grooveshark. That service doesn't exist anymore.

    Here's what I'm listening to now, will incorporate it into some future post.


  5. Fink says:

    Hi Max,

    The price of admission to SV is high. Did you go to Stanford, Harvard ?

  6. Arjun says:

    Hi Max Cantor,

    You say you want in Silicon Valley. Please answer these questions:

    1. Do you believe in unicorns ?

    2. Do you believe in God ?

    Let's take it from there.

  7. Fink says:

    God plus a hurricane gets you a hurricane. Hooray !

  8. Max Cantor says:

    People are arguing about God on my site, I'll bite. People don't change their minds about it, whatever it may be. God is a useful projection of the mind. God is the unknown, for it cannot be proven or disproved.

    I'm really not that interested in debating God, I see it as a waste of time. God is the mind taking a staycation, instead of a vacation.

    Instead of being in the mind, perhaps it is better to switch to **mindfulness**

  9. Ralphie says:

    "The median age of tech companies going public last year was 10.5 years" -https://www.barrons.com/articles/unicorns-what-are-they-really-worth-1510974129


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