I am strong believer in the equality of rights between men and women.

Unfortunately we see men toiling in the dust of the middle ages.

Men are afraid to call a spade a spade.

Men have been digging themselves into a hole, sometimes because of lack of character, and often times because of misunderstanding women. I will clear up some misunderstandings here.

Indeed, if only women were treated equally, the problems men and women experience would be negligeable.

Problem 1. Unearned goodwill

Unearned goodwill towards women is a misprobe. In the workplace, men place mistrusted empathy towards women. By making it easier for women, men create an untenable environment, prone to misunderstandings and abuse from both sides.

Problem 2. Women are “fragile.”

No, they are not. They’re just as qualified to do the hard work as men are. In fact, women are happier when they start with the hardest task at hand. When women ask for special treatment as they often do, they must be refused. It’s equality for all, not just for some.

Problem 3. The “pyramid of needs” of women

The “pyramid of needs” of Maslow fame for women is different than that pyramid for men. It’s very different in that sex is not only unimportant and secondary, it is perhaps the least important in a woman life.

Women are essentially reproduction machines, ergo they subordinate everything they do to that purpose. A woman doesn’t need to have sex every day (week) any more than you need to sneeze every hour, day, or week.

The problem is men projecting their needs on women, when there are none.

Problem 4. Stemming from above point, men make the general mistake that women think like them. They do not.

Sexual harassment doesn’t scare women. What terrifies women the most is a man immune to them. A gay Iron Man scares them to their bones. So they made up this “all the good ones are gay” saying. To that, reply: “How so ?”

Problem 5. #HeToo, around the corner ?

If women make remarks and probe around the gay issue, you may have a good sexual harassment case.  As it stands for the time being, women portait themselves as the targets of sexual harassment, but sexual harassment has no gender borders.

Problem 6. Non-reporting of female sexual advances by male staff.

Men make the mistake of non-logging and (severely) non-reporting of sexual advances women make. Men don’t consider SH a glory blaze.

Problem 7. Hiring women improves shareholder value talk. This is non-sense.
The only qualifier for an employee should be “What can you do for this organization ? What have you achieved ?” Hiring needs to be gender-blind.

Spoiler alert: Rigorous, peer-reviewed studies suggest that companies do not perform better when they have women on the board. Nor do they perform worse. Depending on which meta-analysis you read, board gender diversity either has a very weak relationship with board performance or no relationship at all.” –Does Gender Diversity on Boards Really Boost Company Performance ? at Wharton U. Penn.

I’ve been getting emails from folks who wish to write guest posts here.

I thought I’d run a poll on what would you like to see from them.

Please vote !

0 Replies to “Treating women and men equally is the solution”

  1. Anonymous says:

    You talking Elliott Hulse ?

    Check him out NOW, I mean this fucking month.

    MGTOW – Yes, Men MUST Go Our Own Way


  2. Kyle says:

    I got you buddy.

    Check out Eric Arceneaux.


  3. Rick Sanchez says:

    Just got to this blog. Very informative.

    I am in the process of becoming CIO at my company, and I am recommending it to my friends.

  4. Tom says:

    Good afternoon !

    My name is Tom Knows-a-Lot and I would like to let you in a little secret:

    I will write for you: if you vote for me !

    In the poll that Max so graciously put together choose

    How to clash a girl party. That's it.

    My free tip to you today is the Door Routine

    For I am a humble servant.

    Psst: Don't let anyone know that I've helped you !

    -Tom Knows-a-Lot

    Click, click, click…

  5. Max Cantor says:

    Hi Tom,

    Way to sway the poll there, buddy. I am sure the Door Routine only works for those that poll for you.

    Thanks to everyone who responds to the poll, which will close tomorrow at 23:59 hrs.

  6. Kant says:

    Captain Save-A-Ho here, I didn't know I could write under your auspices.

    Tried and tested here, I'm interested in giving it a shot.

    Is it too late to submit my article ?

    Motto: Remember, every time you save a hoe an angel dies in heaven. Go, hoe-busters !

  7. Max Cantor says:

    With a name like that, do you expect us to take you seriously ?

    You didn't follow the expected procedure, you haven't contacted me by email like the rest. I typically give space to long time readers.

    The train you wanted has already left. Thank you for your interest.


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