A lot of my readers are entrepreneurs who want to know how to pitch their enterprises to venture capitalists.

I’ve seen dozens of pitches, some that are better, some that are not. David Rose’s TED 2007 video is still an excellent framework for what you need to do. (Don’t watch Shark Tank. That is not how investing works in the real world !

1. It always helps to look at examples of previously funded startups.

On the Piktochart Blog you can see 30 companies’ pitch decks, from Facebook in 2004 to Sequoia Capital’s.

2. There’s a practice mock-up that guides you through the most common concepts, called Pitchbot designed by angel investor and Gigster CEO Roger Dickey. Practice often !

Quote of the day: “When you take a risk for who you are you are betting for you, and when you don’t, you are betting against you.”-AK

Looking forward to Disrupt SF 2018 !

See also  For you techies: Y Combinator TOP 101 Companies

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