Shopping for great foods is not the only thing I do. I also shop for great books.

Turn around and look to your (nearest) bookshelf. Yes, stop what you’re doing, and if you are at home, take a look at your bookshelf for a minute. Let me ask you this: DO YOU SEE ANY RED books? Is there any book now on your bookshelf with a red cover? I’m doing the same thing as you are, and I can see at least some red. The book spine for Jay Heinricks’s Thank you for Arguing is red but when I pull out the book the cover is blue. I see a few others with only the titles in red. Other than that, nada.

Well, the Book of the Underdog paperback came out today and it has a red cover. The red does take a black shade towards the margins, but it’s all red. It is beautiful.

Get it today ! Don’t be the fool who doesn’t get it.

Synopsis of the Book of the Underdog

  1. 214 pages in print.
  2. Does not include the content of this blog.
  3. For every day use in any job, not just investment banking. Any job. Any field. Any workplace.
  4. Not a fluffy job, not a motivational book, not a “secrets” BS, but
    actionable advice on boss strategy and How you should develop yourself.
  5. I am considering adding a supplemental Chapter for those who bought in early. This Chapter to be on daily interactions: what-to-say to people to “build them up” in a nice way. I don’t know exactly how I will add this Chapter yet, perhaps as an additional page to the blog. 
  6. Thank you for buying early as I dealt with grammar and syntax mistakes last week. Corrections, corrections, corrections.
See also  BOOM ! The Book of the Underdog is here

Who buys the Book of the Underdog

  • hadoop engineer
  • application development manager
  • technology manager
  • database administration manager
  • financial analyst
  • healthcare benefits coordinator
  • journalist
  • editor
  • customer service representative
  • salesforce developer
  • workforce benefits coordinator
  • banker
  • artificial intelligence research scientist
  • supply chain specialist
  • marketing analyst…and many more

Who doesn’t buy the Book of the Underdog

  • guys who live in their moms’ basements
  • whiners
  • people who step on their good news
  • guy who manages his girlfriend’s moods
  • idiots
  • people who hate chocolate (and are not dogs)

I expressed my openness to go on Fox News and talk about forbidden subjects such as greatness. Why Fox News? Because [they say] they have the highest ratings in the news. I have not heard anything from them which is very peculiar. Is Fox News a bunch of pussies?, a friend said to me yesterday. I can’t answer that. If Roger Aisles was at Fox, he would have had me on in no time. He would have put me on on prime time, 20-30 minutes, pronto.

Names mentioned in the Book of the Underdog

  • Roger Aisles 
  • Donald Trump
  • Emperor Palpatine
  • Akaike Information Criterion (AIC)

Names not mentioned in the Book of the Underdog

  • My mother
  • My father
  • Kim Kardashian
  • Ariana Grande
  • Bruno Mars
  • Demi Lovato
  • Drake

Buy today !

P.S. In reply to a comment on the previous post: No, I don’t think Halo Top is the best. Look at the ingredients they use, they use some heavy thickeners. Some people are allergic to those. I like Haagen-Dazs Belgian chocolate ice cream. For non-dairy, Luna and Larry’s from Coconut Bliss.

See also  BOOM ! The Book of the Underdog is here

9 Replies to “THE BOOK OF THE UNDERDOG is available in print ! Go get them !”

  1. Leonard says:


    You don't need to have an additional page with the Chapter, just a pdf. page accesible by password. That or a dropbox link to your Chapter.

  2. Max Cantor says:

    Ok. We will follow the suggestion of Leonard and either use a downloadable pdf or a dropbox link. Meanwhile, a two month period for the first buyers, would that work? Reasonable?

  3. Mark says:


    I have at least two books that come in a red cover: Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury) and The Casual Vacancy by J.K. Rowling.

  4. Max Cantor says:

    Glad to hear that. Now you can add a 3rd to that list.

    On the Supplemental Chapter, I am thinking of making it more fun, maybe assigning the password to the dropbox file as the answer to a riddle. Of course, if you don't get that answer right, we'll still give it to you if you bought in early.

  5. Max Cantor says:

    Hmm, the Dropbox file share is not a good idea, since dropbox files would be out of copyright. The material needs to be a post, part of a post or an extension on the website.

    I will brainstorm the topics in a post coming up. Life situations for all of us. Life may look mundane, but it's the trivial and mundane that make it up.


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