Sex at Dawn is a book written back a few years ago on the origins of human sexuality with well appointed arguments about the primitive -forager lifestyle- human population.

The authors, Christopher Ryan and Cacilda Jetha focus on the early humans closest behavior to the chimps and the often ignored bonobos. For the bonobos, as well as the pre-agricultural humans, sex was more “casual”: multimale-multiple female relationships were the constant. And sex for all, not just for the top 10-20% of the pack.

Today’s view, as echoed and quoted by psychologist Donald Symons [The Evolution of Human Sexuality] is “among all peoples sexual intercourse is understood to be a service or favor that females render to males.” Robert Wright: “High MPI (male parental investment) makes sexual selection work in two different directions at once. Not only have males evolved to compete for scarce female eggs; females have evolved to compete for scarce male investment.” -The Moral Animal

Ryan and Jetha make the point of nonreproductive sex being the norm in humans like in our close cousins the bonobo. “Sex for pleasure with various partners is therefore more human than animal. Strictly reproductive, once-in-a-blue-moon sex is more ‘animal’ than human. In other words, an excessively horny monkey is acting ‘human’, while a man/woman uninterested in sex more than once or twice a year would be, strictly speaking, ‘acting like an animal’.” –Sex At Dawn

There was plenty of sexual opportunity for the pre-historic men and women. Everybody had their fill, and then five more for dessert.

Quote of the day: “We are here on Earth to fart around, and don’t let anybody tell you any different.” -Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.

Minimizing jealousy and sexual possessiveness is described in various isolated primitive populations from around the globe. Why is it that men don’t stress that nowadays? All those dating coaches prime men to be “ideal” matches for their dates. What about stressing non-possessiveness? Nobody talks about that.

You look at those pre-historic conditions. For every woman was a “whore” [as in available]…but is is only now [last few thousands years] that it has become transactional sex [hence what we make of the term whore]. That’s the main message of the book.

You wanna get back to “basics”? Get rid of the transactional part.

But you have to work some more, too. Get rid of “my” and “mine”, too.

If I told you a personal secret, would you keep it? [Hint: No dating coach will tell you this]

Infidelity is the hottest ticket to a girl’s heart. 

Throughout the world, the shift to agriculture accompanied a dramatic drop in the quality of most people’s diets and overall health.” -Sex at Dawn, 2010, something that has become even clearer to this day

Novelty fact I learned from this book: the word testify comes from the act of swearing on one’s balls.

Ryan and Jetha: “Sexual monogamy itself may be shrinking men’s balls.” Good luck, men.

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16 Replies to “Sex at Dawn book discussion”

  1. Paul says:

    Read the book, and there are many things to consider: the high degree of female plasticity (interchangeability) and the role of the female reproductive tract where every woman is equipped with filtering mechanisms for potential fathers at a cellular level. Fascinating.

  2. Yoda Shodan says:

    800 is (was?) my N-Count

    Lost count of it

  3. Howard says:

    Megyn Kelly is likely to leave with some $69 million in her pocket. Source: DVT/Star Max/IPx/AP

  4. Many says:

    Civilization wasn't build on the the backs of leg-spreading bunnies. It was built on the backs of sex-deprived men.

  5. Max Cantor says:

    I don't know, Moss. Thanks for bringing it up. I will check it up.

    Meanwhile, I recommend Tony Parson's Man and Wife.

    Related: Tony Parson's 69 Rules for Men to live By Obviously not all of them, but some I've been saying it for years:

    44. Be decent and kind to all the people who can’t do anything for you.

    45. Self-pity is more destructive than heroin.

    32. Never sleep with a crazy girl, no matter what they look like.

    17. If you and your woman have loud arguments, then you are with the wrong woman.

    You're welcome.

  6. Max Cantor says:

    I disagree with the authors in their interpretation of low male sexual plasticity. Evidence is to the contrary.

  7. Yoda Shodan says:

    Very much of a monogamous man myself I am not.

    I just keep to myself.


  8. Howard says:

    You've made Jordan B. Peterson cry with this book.

  9. Max Cantor says:

    Torn between the Yoda video and Tyler's video in Las Vegas. I think Yoda's video is better.

    Now, RSD Tyler looks a mess and talks horribly, how could anyone even joke about man boobs? I get the points in their discussion. This guy is world famous but lacks in presentation.

  10. Kelly says:

    In the reality of today, "getting rid of the transactional part" means:

    STOP offering women:



    and you're ahead of the pack. I believe that's what an "alpha" does(actually, doesn't do, doesn't offer anything in exchange for)

    Dont't be a SIMP

  11. Nick says:

    Following on these studies…women lack the capacity to pair bond. That capacity has been grossly overestimated.

    OR Not

    Divorce is easier on them then it is on men.


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