Have you ever heard: “Children are our future” ? You did, didn’t you ? They’ll be saying that same **crap** in twenty years. Can you trust something that moves away from you, and not with you ?

Meanwhile, old people or as we call them “seniors” are shunned and discarded like empty boxes of cigarettes. I have yet to encounter a writer or researcher that writes anything purposefully to embolden senior citizens. Most neurobiologists, for example, are concerned with scaling visible signs of tissue deterioration among the elderly.

How a culture threats the elderly, not the children, is a sign of that culture’s viability.

In other parts of the world, specifically in SE Asia, the elderly are valued and respected. And that makes common sense, does it not ? If someone has traveled farther on the road of life, they withstood more battles. More adversity. But in our modern culture, senior citizens are the subject of butt jokes (and treated like that.)

Wall St. Journal had an article Dec. 12th “https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-loneliest-generation-americans-more-than-ever-are-aging-alone-11544541134

“Loneliness is even worse for longevity than being obese or physically inactive.”

“More than one in four boomers is divorced or never married, census figures show. About one in six lives alone.”

Then pictures of sulky shoulders, overweight bodies or drab faces.

The article later tries to rebalance

“Loneliness and isolation are bad for your health at any age…”

If I was writing advice for 18-year olds, I’d be wasting my time. (they don’t listen to it, plus there’s no advice for young people except do and fall).

See also  How to emphasize mental toughness

Nobody cares about the senior citizens or gives them anything. All people do is take from them. They want them “lonely” and defeated. Until I come into the scene.

10 Senior Rules

1. Make your own bed. Your greatest enemy is comfort.

When your siblings come and try to “do” things for you that you know and could do on your own, they’re not helping you. They’re digging your grave. They’re watching you slip away.

2. If you’re the meal ticket for your sons/daughters, I call that being pimped. Don’t.

3. Loneliness doesn’t exist except in your mind and your conditioning.

Snap out of it. The less people call you, the better.

4. Some people recommend multigenerational housing. I favor alone at home housing.

5. There must be an advantage to aging. It can’t be just wasting away. You have to find out what that is on your own.

Unfortunately, I can’t tell you what it is. I don’t sit around with nature’s keys. You need to earn that answer.

6. Who called it aging ? They did. And they made it a problem for you.

We can’t let other people call and define you.

7. Actually, being old is the same as being young. Compress time.

How do I do that, Max ? WTF, dude. Do what you did 50 years ago…

8. I feel Max is not telling me all.

You and your feelings…

9. Memory = Time = Flaw

10. It’s not how good your memory is, it’s what you’ve become.

Watch this video. This is what an alpha looks like.

See also  Beta Tales

3 Replies to “10 Tips for men age 60 and older”

  1. Yoda Shodan says:

    A senior I am.
    And this message I approve.

    Underground music

  2. Paul says:

    Every 20 year old should read this.
    I am not even kidding here.

    1. Max Cantor says:

      I posted a Patreon article today on How to have more energy.
      Very important read since energy is the currency of your world.
      Check it out.


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