A reader sent me an email last weekend asking me what I will buy my gf/significant other for Valentine’s Day.

The answer is: nothing. I wrote about Valentine’s before.

If you can’t buy my love, should I try to buy yours ?

Dipshits do not know Valentine’s Day had nothing to do with giving your fling anything:

” Valentine’s Day, in fact, originated as a liturgical feast to celebrate the decapitation of a third-century Christian martyr, or perhaps two…” via Smithsonian Mag

St. Valentine was not a romantic.

He was a fighter. The two or three people originally referenced Valentine were monks in the line of fire.

Dipshit’s jaw drops.

On this website, we train gladiators. We don’t sugarcoat limp dicks. We are not a doughnuts factory.

If you wanna buy your gf/bf a gift, of course you may. Buy a gift for your significant other when they do something nice for you. When they go the extra mile, you should reward them for it. But on the day a martyr was executed centuries ago ? Think long and hard before you do. Do not insult a decapitated martyr.

Prep up your pimp walk

See also  We tackle the hard stuff

One Reply to “On Valentine’s Day”

  1. Lee says:

    So yesterday I bought some flowers.

    When she saw me she said: What a beautiful bouquet,

    I said: They’re for me, dear

    Grace and fulfillment beyond measure.

    Happy V-Day


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