Whether you are a man or a woman, It’s Ok to be single. The proof is in the pudding keto coffee ice cream recipe I’ve enclosed.

Shocking. Not to have any games of your son (or daughter) to attend and brag about to your co-workers.

Shocking. Not to have “proud married to great ____”fill in the blanks of wife/husband’s name.

We’ve taken married with children to the status of virtue in this society.

The Wall Street Journal’s Elizabeth Bernstein had an article The Art of Being Single on March 19th. Excerpts:

“Ms. Tomaszewski began treating herself as she would a partner. She bought herself lavish birthday gifts and took herself out to dinner for holidays. And she began making her bed—just as she did when she was in a relationship and stayed at a man’s house overnight.

‘Now, when I get home I look at it and think: Aw, that’s so sweet. I care about me.’”

Guess what ? Life on the single side of the spectrum is not bad.

Being single is not bad ! Wow, you don’t say. I could be single and still be alive ?

Our society has condemned singles to feeling bad, to being outsiders. It is one of the pressures exerted upon men and women. Stand up against the stereotyping that “includes the assumptions that singles are miserable, lonely or selfish; that they are desperate to get married; that there must be something wrong with someone who is single. ” -E.B. It’s a hard job, surely harder on women than it is on men.

Being a divorcee is not bad. (although they want you to think that it is).

” Previously, Ms. Tomaszewski says, she viewed time alone as something sad. She began thinking of it as quality time with herself. Now, if she finds herself alone for a weekend, she treats herself to a session with a personal trainer, takes a workshop on how to journal or goes to an art museum.

‘I am nurturing my soul right now, just as I would nurture a relationship,’ she says.

  1. It is better to be single than to be in a strained marriage.
  2. If your marriage needs “working” it is probably beyond “repair”. I don’t need any consultant, psychotherapist, coach to lead my relationships.
  3. It is absolutely normal for people to change. In fact, if people don’t change over the years, then you have a problem. No change = no gain.
  4. People suddenly unburdened by the bonds of marriage suddenly experience the joys of being single. The joy of owning their lives.
  5. You can “find yourself” at any age. Better yet, “create” yourself.
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Ice cream time ?

Bulletproof Coffee ice cream recipe

This recipe from Lowcarbediem.com uses uses Dave Asprey’s  Brain Octane® oil combined with his Bulletproof® Coffee: only 2 g carbohydrates for the entire 8 servings it provides.

Image: Pinterest (via lowcarbediem.com)

You need eggs, vanilla extract, lime juice, 12 oz coffee, heavy cream or coconut cream, stevia, vanilla extract and butter. Wife Ice cream maker optional.

5 Replies to “It’s OK to be single”

  1. Carol says:

    You can’t even begin to fathom how hard it is for a woman to be accepted after a divorce.

    What I had to go through.

    1. Max Cantor says:

      And the worst are family and friends, those closest to you.
      How come she is single. Why is she still single. What is wrong with you…

      Gotta stand your ground.

  2. Gin says:

    Max Cantor rules.

    Is what Obi Wan Yoda Jaba Savage would say,

    If he was here.

  3. Cedric says:

    What you need to know:
    “You are the king of your own show.” -Guy Ritchie

    1. Max Cantor says:

      That was a beautiful message – Guy Ritchie on JRE.

      Will do well if numbskulls hear its message.

      Play it a number of times.


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