Sam Walker, former reporter and editor at the WSJ and author of The Captain’s Class: The Hidden Force That Creates the World’s Greatest Teams had an article with same title I chose for the post in this weekend journal (link)

Sam starts with a narrative description of Sen. Amy Klobuchar as tough boss glanced from unnamed former staff critics of the Senator. More importantly, Sam hints at the conclusion of the risk of over-correction.

Is Sam getting a sniff of the red pill ?

“The problem with prosecuting individual cases of bad behavior is that it may force an overcorrection. If we criminalize toughness, Dr. Sutton (a Stanford University professor) says, people might start to see the most benign criticism as a personal attack.

There’s some evidence that we’re already headed down that road.” –Sam Walker

Some readers of this blog have experienced bosses that are “encroaching cockroaches”. Others described them as “insufferable avengers”. Some yet have called them “coaches for kids”. You don’t wanna be any of those.

Should bad boss behavior be tolerated ? Those of us who’ve experienced it (myself included), clearly say no.

Quote of the day: “Why don’t you have a lollipop and we’ll talk this over. -Louise in Bob’s Burgers

If you’re intimidated by authority, you need to get the Book of the Underdog. The best on the subject.

See also  The Law of Attraction: Fact or Fiction ?

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