We’re doing a post today on the Beast, the affectionate part of this site. For those unfamiliar with the Internet slang ZFGs that’s Zero F**ks Given, sometimes also refereed as DGAFs (Don’t Give a F**k). Don’t underestimate the importance of the word fuck. I’ll just go clean with it. The word and the concept are most popular today, as demonstrated by books like The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuc*k by Mark Manson (Hello, Mark), a best-seller for over two years straight and one of the best books I’ve ever read, Unfu*k Yourself: Get Out of Your Head and into Your Life by Gary John Bishop or How to Stop Feeling Like Sh*t: 14 Habits that Are Holding You Back from Happiness by Andrea Owen. (Note to diehard Mark Manson fans: he has another book coming out this spring).

I was watching a video last night about the “most advanced civilization in the universe – explaining the Kardashev scale. Then I said, fuck this.

I would much rather watch a real video: a woman giving birth

Now, since all (or most) reading this are guys, why in the world would we be interested in giving birth ? Aside from the anecdotal tales from men that stood by their wives when those gave birth and described it one of the most powerful experience in their lives, why would anyone care ? Plus those men that stood witness to birth they’re not going though it. Their wives are.

Let me explain pregnancy here. If a woman feels the life within and she’s into the second trimester let’s say, and she wants to give birth…she can’t. (fyi, there are three trimesters of pregnancy: 1st, 2nd and 3rd.) So who’s working on whose schedule ? Evidently, the baby is on his schedule, not on the woman’s. In the past, before midwives and the advent of modern medicine, sadly, some women lost their lives when giving birth.

See also  The Meaning of Life

I am looking to lose mine. Precisely, my old self. To give life to the Beast, I have to lose my old self. I am the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

As with the pregnant woman, the schedule is not my own. I used the analogy of pregnancy to illustrate the impossibility of forcing, rushing, delaying or short-cutting the process.

Warning: The Video below (explicit content) is not suitable for all audiences. 18+ years old only.

Becoming the Beast (funny how beast rhymes with best) is nothing short of a pregnancy. I am giving life to a new life form. I AM pregnant. But in this birth, only one will survive. Unlike a regular pregnancy, the goal here is not to add. Number-wise, the goal here is to keep the same number of lives.

Giving birth is dirty. It is painful. But my Baby Beast -ME- is growing.

One Reply to “ZFGs -Part I”

  1. Yoda Shodan says:

    Offended you are ?
    A fuck I don’t give.

    Yoda on Max


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