Did you watch GoT Ep. 3 last night ? You did? Pretty dramatic, right ?

I’m not a geek. I am not a SM monkey. By now the press is up and running with non-sense, favorites, script soul-searching and Arya Stark heroine supporters.

And they all miss the points. Just like they always will. Knuckleheads and numbskulls cannot teach strategy.

Apparently there wasn’t a weak spot in the Night King’s armor. As we have seen when The Mother of Dragons fired full force on the Night King, The Night King is immune to dragon fire. Dragons can only fight dragons.

What exactly killed the Night King ? Not who, we know that, but what ?

Boy it was pretty dark in that episode. (heard that complaint from many fans). What do you expect when the Night King arrives, the environment turns icy and dark.

The dead turned men into dead men (called “wights”). That was the Night King strength, turning his enemies into his own supporters. Conversely, his weakness was his demise meant the demise of his own army.

In the end, everybody fights for himself.

In the end, the Night King comes for us all.

There is ONLY ONE person who has not moved in that chaotic, battle-infused movie at all.

That person was Bran. Ok, he is in a wheelchair, so he can’t damn move. Even if he tried to. He didn’t move a single finger.

How did the spectacular kill-shot Arya delivered right before her death, happen ? Let’s remember the red woman, Melisandre, talked to Arya before and said something about her killing all kinds of eyes: brown, blue, green, prophesying her move.

See also  Leadership: GoT Episode 4

Idiots and beelzebubs are still in a haze. So, I’ll ask again,


What exactly killed the Night King ?

It was Arya Stark alright, but HOW did she do it ? You could say it was with a Valyrian Steel knife, this and that, but that’s not the answer.

Can you turn your life upside down, right before your own death or defeat ? That is the question you should ask yourself. And if so, how to you do it ?

Because you’re in good company. In the company of the three-eyed crow.

One Reply to “Game of Thrones S8E3: The high level perspective”

  1. Max Cantor says:

    A question-thought I would share with you.
    Why did the Red Woman die like she did at the end ?
    This was the end of the episode after all.


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