Yesterday was Easter Day 2019 for those keeping the Christian tradition.

People did the Easter Egg Hunt for kids. The idea is to place them in hard to find places to make the hunt more challenging. Anything worth finding is challenging.

Easter is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ., said to have risen from the dead 2,000 years ago.

What about my Resurrection ? You celebrate the Resurrection of some guy from 2,000 years ago whom you’ve never met. What about your own Resurrection ?

“Life is an experiment with failures: some of the most certain ones are with people.” – Max Cantor

I’ve been beaten up, dragged into the mud, spit on -by life. Sometimes literally – by people. I’ve gotten fired, used and abused -by people. I’ve been thrown against the wall, knee-capped and walloped . You could be Saint Francis of Assisi and they’ll do this to you.

Nevertheless, I’m resurrecting. And I’l take the scum out for a hard landing.

In the novel Star Wars: The Last Command by Timothy Zahn (1993), Grand Admiral Thrawn of the Empire is baiting a smuggler, Mazzic, with the idea that the attack against a meeting Mazzic had attended at Trogan was in fact staged by Karrde, an associate of Mazzic. That wasn’t true, of course. It was an imperial (failed) move. Thrawn offers bits -and-pieces but saves the meat of it: “Form your own hints, Captain.” Thrawn then explains this to his subaltern: “It’s always better to offer too little than too much. Some people automatically distrust free information.” -The Last Command.

The *sneak-doons* (I invented the word from sneak) will often use that “vagueness” to let your imagination run wild -in the wrong directions. That’s how they control you and how they lead. And that’s how they are leaders. If you’ve read the The Book of the Underdog, you’ll know how to deal with these MASTER DECEPTICONS.

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Naturally, Jesus wasn’t featured in Star Wars. But he still had to deal with *leaders*. And so do you.

One Reply to “Resurrection”

  1. Nick says:

    Yap, yap, yap Max

    Lucifer is back in Season 4.


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