The “Manosphere” *roughly* is an umbrella of writings, articles and forums meant to encompass a wide net of men’s lifestyle, advice and experiences. There is no official “manosphere” and I don’t know if the word has even made into the dictionary.

On this blog, I repeatedly warn about the perils of social media. (some people call Twitter “Twatter” for the garbage on that platform). I advised men to drastically reduce their social media exposure.

Here is what has been happening over the past year or two on Twitter: a phenomenon of pseudo-experts in men’s issues, “Twitter keyboard warriors”, if you will, burst into the scene.

“Keyboard” is an outdated term since these warrior bums mainly work their phones. Phone warriors is more apt. Now what are doing, these “keyboard/phone warriors” ? As the name implies, they tweet at 5000 words per hour their brain farts to the world. You might think that is OK, since it appears to be harmless (follow or don’t follow them is your choice.)

However, it is your time. Your attention.

You can never get back your time. If you sink it into the Twitter sewer following these people…

Your time is the most precious thing you have. Don’t give it away to a bum on social media. Tweeting or Instagram posting is not the same as writing.

How do you know if you are dealing with a Keyboard warrior ?

You take the most basic hints.

  1. What are this person’s credentials ? What has he written, been acknowledged for, or accomplished ? (no, that does NOT include the number of followers or likes, that’s what the trolls do!)
  2. How often does he(she) tweet ? If he goes at 5400 rpm… The keyboard warriors live their lives on social media. Their phone is their life. That’s what a phone warrior is. This is the basic test of who is a Twitter warrior. These people are wasting their lives away and they’ll take you with them if you let them.
See also  Playing bridge with the media

And you can do your own list. *Garbage list* that it.

In the manosphere, the garbage list is long…too long in fact. If I listed their names here, these “redpill” jokers would get offended.

“ All sick and diseased people strive instinctively after a herd organization, out of a desire to shake off their sense of oppressive discomfort and weakness; the ascetic priest divines this instinct and promotes it; wherever a herd exists it is the instinct of weakness which has wished for the heard, and the cleverness of the priests which has organized it, for mark this:

By an equally natural necessity the strong strive as much for isolation as the weak for union…” –Friedrich Nietzsche -The Genealogy of Morals

I would never take someone serious who works social media for 30 hours a week. You are what you do. The phone bums have never held a serious job in their lives. I am the ONLY writer in the manosphere, perhaps the only one out there, who does not tell his readers to follow him on social media. That’s right. I said it before, it is enough you read my articles. You don’t need to follow me social media: I only keep it because if I didn’t have it they’d say I don’t have an Internet presence outside the blog.

*A Version of this article appeared on my Medium *general public consumption* blog.

5 Replies to “Social Media’s trash pile”

  1. Steve says:

    The internet made the world better.
    Social media made it worse.

  2. Hammer says:

    What about the GOT review.
    Are you going to post one soon ?




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