99% of this blog is free. Other people charge hundreds in courses for some of the bits-and-pieces you get from me for nothing. If you read all of the articles in here (and they number 280 and going), you could become the CEO of Verizon Media or something. Saying that you read them, well, is not enough. Somebody could read but if they don’t apply, implement and execute, that reading comes to naught.

With the ubiquity of information this age, and the give-me giv’ me freebie millennial frame of mind, it makes sense 90% of people in the men’s issues sphere are parroting of each other. (When I talk about millennials I think of people born 1990 and later. I know others are referring *millennials* a much larger group).

Yesterday James Clear, the author of Atomic Habits send out an email where he says “the ultimate productivity hack is saying no to people“. (As previously announced I’ll be reviewing his book here in a few weeks). That is something I’ve known for some time. Let me expand on his idea.

The more you say no to people, the more you say yes to yourself. Quite simple and powerful. Expanding on my previous post:

Delete your social media apps from your phone. People have no problem deleting bulks of junk emails, yet they keep this junk called Twatter, Instacrap and Faceshit like is their precious high school yearbook. Social media is for effeminate-minded men and attention-seeking women (which is beyond the reach of this blog).

See also  You've got talent: so what ?

Say No to Twitter. Say No to Facebook. Say No to the mob. If you use your phone like your grandfather uses his TV -most of the time on -you are your grandfather’s stupider version.

The greatest productivity hack in the world indeed is saying no, because the bottom feeders feed of your attention.

Too many people want a piece of you.

Too many worthless fucks screaming for attention.

Focus is wasted on social media.

Focus is wasted on 90% of people that come to you.

I used to check my emails several times a day. There no chance I do that now. One time or two times -that’s enough. My phone is on silent or off almost all of the time. There is no such thing as emergency. Your emergency is not my emergency. (When did all this elementary common sense become “productivity hacks” ? It did ever since the foosball freebie generation found itself the greatest time wasters ever. ) . Millennials are shit-deep into their inefficiencies and they need somebody like me, or James Clear, to steer them in their fucked up world.

Millennials: the Selfie Generation

How many checkpoints do you have today ?

3 Replies to “The greatest hack in the world”

  1. Serpico says:

    We millennials are the strong posts of this word.
    The world would be nothing without us.

    1. Max Cantor says:

      Oh, ya ?

      Let’s see. According to your own research, 80% of millennial women mate with 20% of you.

      Never heard that happening with previous generations, not from Gen Y, Xrs, or anybody.

      What it means you have a weakness problem, millennial men.

      Some even say that 10% of men get 90% of the women.

      So much so that we need a post on overcoming ONEitis.

      Oneitis – the millennial bug.

  2. Pat says:

    My checkpoints is at 32.

    Too much time wasted on wasters.



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