Obviously this post’s title is satiric response to Colin Kaepernick’s crap commercial.

The post, however, is serious. Because we live in a culture of busyness and bullshit drama. The biggest drama queen gets the most followers. The NY Times article “The Case for Doing Nothing” (April 29, 2019, Olga Mecking) is a good read.

“…. Whether at home or at work, permission granted to spend the afternoon just hanging out.

We need to space out and do nothing once in awhile. I already talked to you how your smartphone is your dumbphone. Same for your smartwatch.

“Indeed, the benefits of idleness can be wide-ranging.

Ms. Mann’s research has found that daydreaming — an inevitable effect of idleness — “literally makes us more creative, better at problem-solving, better at coming up with creative ideas.” For that to happen, though, total idleness is required.”

A lot of shitheads think their constant busyness makes them “important” (especially true in the world of high finance, which has the highest concentration of assholes in the world, second only to politics).

Let me tell you: that is not so. It is patently false. I know you learned that from your boss, but you are not more important because you are constantly busy.

I am one of the very few, perhaps one of two or three in the world who tell the truth. The truth that bosses are assholes. That social media is garbage. How many people out there are saying that ? No, really, how many ?

Them fucker-noughts are doing their reading at social media lvel (Twatter, FB, Snapcrap). That is no reading. Reading is picking up a book, not going through a Twat trail. A twat trail, aka a tweet, will leave you dumber than before.

See also  Kelly Criterion

Men are becoming more effeminate and weaker day by day. There is no question about it. There is no question men who are active on social media are effeminate, because:

  1. They *follow* someone, and,
  2. They have the need-response to reply, like or dislike.

I don’t give a shit about social media., or the major forum spaces. Gigantic waste of time.

I have the fewer readers, but they are real readers, not Twatter fem-voices.

This NYT article, I hope, spurred you to be more savvy with your time. Spend less time with your phone. Delete your social media accounts. Have idle time. I know it’s hard. It goes against what this generation cherishes. Millennials, who’ve invented a special name for the their newest branders, “Gen Z”, maybe to signal the cream of the crop or something, have grown up with their phones in their mouths.

Millenial Z-ers: let’s get out there, without our phones. You’ll survive without your girl texting you. You’ll be alright.

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