I am recognized as the expert on leadership. Left and right, above and beyond. Did somebody say Above and Beyond ? The Golden Days of music ? How long has it been ?

I am not going to do my sermon today. I will let the characters from Game of Thrones speak for me. Season 8 Ep. 4. The one numbskulls decried (because they drink too much Starbucks). Did any of them shitheads “experts” in redpill theory ever went hungry for one day ? Can they even go for a week, no, not a week, for 48 hours, can they make it without their phones ? (Our phones, btw, should be called dumbphones, not smartphones, because they make people dumber).

Here are three exchanges from Episode 4 (May 5th). Those are from Daenerys (the first one) and Tyrion, the little dude: Note: if the exchanges are not the exact quotes, please forgive me. They are as close as I remembered.

I’m here to free the world from tyrants. That is my destiny.”

What is the realm ? A vast continent filled with millions of people. Most of whom don’t care who sits on the Iron Throne.” -Tyrion

I know you don’t care about your people. Why should you ? They hate you and you hate them” –
Tyrion to my girlfriend Cersei


The essence of leadership. From GoT.

The second quote should be placed in context. It was part of the exchange Tyrion Lannister, adviser to the Queen Daenerys Stormborn has with her other adviser, the eunuch. The eunuch, Varys, argues that Jon Snow would make a better leader for the people (he is to a point)…

See also  Leadership naked: The Texas sharpshooter fallacy

Tyrion was drinking a lot. I’m sure, good wine. But he didn’t have the music that we have. So we’re playing a second classic tonight. Tyrion hasn’t made the rounds of Miami Beach’s best nightclubs like we had.

Nobody can be an agent for the *world*. It’s a construct of the mind, that both Varys and Danaerys (naturally) fall for. Ain’t falling for that.

Do you think *leaders* don’t know about those quotes, especially number two and three ?

I am a real leader (of Miami’s nightclub scene).

P.S. Can you believe it that Ultra has left Miami, and this was its last year ? I feel like we lost a dragon.

4 Replies to “Leadership: GoT Episode 4”

  1. Lee says:

    I wanna met the guy who makes Lana del Rey cry.

    He gets to sit on the Iron Throne.

  2. Robert says:

    The man who smashed Danaerys.
    He should sit on the Throne.

  3. Colt says:

    Hey Max,

    Lana del Rey: more like Cersei or Danaerys ?


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