Perhaps your birthday is coming up. Or it has already been.

What does that mean ?

It means one more time to be labeled and classified. When I say your B-day is your Death day, dumbshits get perplexed. Uneasy. The don’t like that type of classification.

Here is another question I have asked before: How old would you be if you didn’t know when you were born ?

  • 20-Year old to 30-year old: You’re old.
  • 30-year old to 40-year old: You’re old.
  • 40-year old to 50-year old: You’re old.
  • 50-year old to 60-year old: You’re old.
  • 60-year-old to 70-year old: You’re old.

You see how that works.

My birthday is irrelevant. It is a stamp put on my head by those who’ve found me around first. I didn’t choose those people, but they keep pushing me into this box.

And what keeps you in the familiar past ? Emotions do. Emotions are the attracting force.

Emotions are the dark matter of the human experience. Do not confuse dark matter (21% of universe) with dark energy (74% !) But don’t take my word from it, here’s what modern astronomers say:

"Because of the names, it’s easy to confuse dark matter and dark energy. And while they may be related, their effects are quite different. In brief, dark matter attracts, dark energy repels. While dark matter pulls matter inward, dark energy pushes it outward. Also, while dark energy shows itself only on the largest cosmic scale, dark matter exerts its influence on individual galaxies as well as the universe at large. " - Source:  Hetdex: Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment. Interestingly, as recent as 2008 we thought dark matter accounts for 85% of the universe, there wasn't a concept of dark energy.

Let me go to the “beast”, the subject of this site. You’ve been given a lot of things: a name, a birthday, but none of that means a thing. They give you something so they cal pull your strings.

See also  The No Bullshit , not - Goldman Socks Guide to Being a Man

Emotions are the power of the collective. There are three skill levels:

  1. Emotions control you (most people). You’re easily manipulated.
  2. You control your emotions at will.
  3. No emotions = mastery. Now you’ve moved in the most rarefied strata of people. The true 0.1%. The truest elite in any generation, society, and historical period.

If you still care about your birthday, you’re not in the third category.

Joe Dispenza talks about how emotions put you in the familiar past

Why did I put in the dark matter and dark energy mention ?

If you’re in the no-emotions zone, the third and most elusive category, you’re acting on dark energy dispersing the shit away. No birthday on B-day, or you’re having a B-day celebration whenever you want to have one.

Interesting news:

Black holes ruled out as universe’s missing dark matter

Dark Matter is Real. “Dark Matter” is a Terrible Name for It

2 Replies to “Birthdays”

  1. Sin says:

    More appropriate name for this is “No Birthdays”.

    1. Max Cantor says:

      My birthday -my choice.

      You need to start living out of your choices, rather than out of those made for you.

      Be less reactive.

      Less conditioned.

      Require less and less input for your life.

      And you’ll be well ahead of the rest.


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