Wisdom is a fickle thing.

It sets you free while appearing to weight you down.

You leave behind the noise of the crowd. Does that make you [more] isolated ?

With wisdom you can rule without love or wealth or fear.

The wise appear to be an island.

While being more subtly connected to everything.

People see you as a cynic,

Because you see their real worth.

Sometimes I seek to defeat time,

Peeling the onion’s layers.

So, I’ll look at a child.

What does he have that I don’t have ?

I’ll look at an old man.

What does he have that I don’t have ?

For what stands between you and them is TIME.

That gnashing cruel grim reaper.

I give myself to it EVERY DAY. Then I complain I don’t have enough of IT. How can I complain I don’t have enough of something that’s not even there ?

If we eliminated time, we’ll be living in paradise.

Isn’t the no-time connection the main feature of paradise ?

What would it be like to be a child who’s cranky and achy ? Or an old man who’s spoiled and bratty ? At least you’ve picked up some features of the other’s age. Why is it no one complains about a *foolish* child ? I’ve never heard someone complaining about children like that. Hmm, if I act like a child…maybe I’ll pass the muster test of some enemies.

Which one is real, the river or the wave ?

That depends on who’s asking. For the wave, it’s only the wave. For the river, it’s the river. For the rider, it is both. For the wise man…it is neither.

Quote of the day:

“A man with no motive is a man no one suspects,

Always keep your foes confused.

If they don’t know who you are and what you want,

They can’t know what you plan to do next.”

Brother Littlefinger, Game of Thrones, Season 4 Ep.
See also  The psychopathic stare

4 Replies to “Musings on wisdom”

  1. I. L. says:

    #3. I’ll look at a woman.

    What does she have that I don’t have ?

    1. Max Cantor says:

      I take it you are a DJ or partygoer ?

      I never thought I’ll be watching Ultra from my own website.


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