
In Season 5 of the Game of Thrones we see Arya Stark entering an apprenticeship in the House of Black and White located in the City of Braavos. She has to relinquish her identity and become a new girl, with the day job of selling oysters in the market.

99.999% of people out there couldn’t do that. They couldn’t leave their identity behind to start a new life. Yet people complain of pain and disillusion with their life. And God…when it comes to God, God is the same static God they’ve always had. Same face. Same “fatherly” figure. Bro, if you’ve grown up in all those years, why do you think God dude just kept and kept and kept on staying the same all boring ? This is especially uncanny for a someone of omnipotent power.

What if there’s the Many-Faced God, the one Arya Stark got introduced to ? And who is HE ?

Well, enough of Arya Stark already.

A friend of mine introduced and recommended me a supplement called C60 or 60 Carbon atoms. I did some digging into it. According to a distributor of the product, SES Research:

C60 Fullerene

“C60 Fullerene is a molecule composed of 60 carbon atoms. They are in a cage-like spherical and hollow shape, resembling a soccer ball. It’s also referred to as buckminsterfullerene and buckyballs.

Naturally occurring in the form of soot or ash, C60 is chemically inert. It is not soluble in water and is physically inactive. C60 has a unique structure and very interesting physical properties. These have been fascinating many medical researchers for years.

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C60 is in a perfect symmetry of strong carbon atoms, which acts like a cage. It acts like glue that can clean up unstable compounds like free radicals. Therefore, C60 is said to be a free radical scavenger.”

Wait, there’s more: In a 2012 study on male rats , “the group that received olive oil showed an increased lifespan of 18%, whereas the group with C60 showed a 90% increase.”

God damn, and they say people don’t rise from their ashes ! Or rats at least. Like there’s difference.

8 Replies to “The House of Black and White; C60 supplement”

  1. Ricky says:

    Wow !

    Have you ever read the reviews on C60 ?

    “t definitely has an effect. I’ve had fibromyalgia/ CFS/ M.E. since the 1970s, and take Adderall to stay awake during the work day. Since starting the C60, I’ve been able to cut my dosage in half *and* make it through the day without a nap. My skin is softer than it’s been since my teens (I’m in my 50s), and my eyes look clearer and brighter. The best effect, though, is that I can now take long evening walks and don’t feel like I was hit by a bus the next day! ” -Amazon reviewer, 2018

    1. Max Cantor says:

      Yes, but I must accompany this together with the manuf.


      Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Disclosure – Carbon 60 has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. This product has not been clinically tested on humans. Warranty Disclaimer: NO WARRANTY WITH RESPECT TO PRODUCTS NOT SET FORTH IN WRITING IN THESE TERMS AND CONDITIONS, AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMS AND EXCLUDES, ANY AND ALL OTHER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WRITTEN OR ORAL, ARISING BY OPERATION OF LAW OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. There are no warranties or representations regarding the use of the materials in this listing in terms of their correctness, accuracy, adequacy, usefulness, timeliness, and reliability or otherwise.

      1. Max Cantor says:

        How long before pundits like Tim Ferriss or other so called “self-development experts” get ahold of this ?

        2 hours ?

        2 days ?

    1. Max Cantor says:

      Jagen H’gar I presume ?

      That video missed the mark, because it’s the product of a plebeian mind.

      But there’s a burning question,

      The question of the season and reason of these Faceless Man.

      When Arya sees her own face in the dead body

      That time that H’gar remarks

      “Faces are for no one, you are still someone”

      What is going on ?

      Can you give the right answer (no non-sense, magic books and potions)

      I’ll wait, faceless man.

  2. Sophos says:

    What Jagen is doing,
    Turning a girl blind.
    Likewise a man must be a man.
    Before he is any birth (assumed identity) man.
    The identity you have.
    Is not yours.
    Strip away your name, birth date, place and home location.

    Moving on.

    What gives YOU your identity ? Well, guess what…It is your eyesight. Without it, you wouldn’t be Jon Snow, whatever.

    I am a Faceless Man. I don’t have quandary about it. I cannot be possessed or dispossessed.

    Jaqen was my father. My father from another mother.


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