” We are buffed on all sides by people who wish to see us down.” -You never know this is true until you know “only the ladder is real”. These are truisms for everyone who works in a competitive field, particularly banking.

One of the most used arguments they throw at you is the the good of “whole”, the “realm” as is the term in the Game of Thrones. I am currently in Season 3 with GoT, back watching it from the beginning. So Littlefinger helps us out in this conversation he has with Varys:

“The realm ?

Do you know what the realm is ?

It is a story we agreed

To tell each other over and over again,

Until we forget that is a lie.”

GoT, Season 3
Are you playing or being played today ? -Image credit, Pexels.com

Word of the month: Suave

I didn’t know until recently there is a forum on Reddit called “Get Suave“. Accordingly, on this subreddit, members explore “being charming, smooth, and building a fun and valuable lifestyle.” Then you see people asking the sort of questions I get every so often, like ” how should I handle my boss keep changing my days of work all the time ? “

If that person had read the Book of The Underdog, he or she should know the answer…

I am not looking to get “suave”. Suave sounds like a soap brand made for women. Weaklings and numbskulls get suave. Real men get tough. For they always pull the wool over your eyes..

Even that God damn Iron Throne only had about 200 swords made out of, not 1,000…

See also  Where does the mind stop and the rest of the world begin?

2 Replies to “The realm”

  1. Kurt says:

    Love this. (well, I am a GoT fan)
    This is the only blog where you can find the truth.
    4 dimensional truth.
    Useful truth.

    P.S.: I’d love to know more onyour thoughts on aging. Liked what I saw thus far.

    1. Max Cantor says:

      Hey man, thanks.

      300 posts and counting.

      6 1/2 years and counting.

      I put Tim Ferris to shame – with 1/1000th of his time and resources.

      Aging is one of the subjects I look at constantly. Now, I don’t run a science journal.

      What I tell you in this blog is to use aging to your advantage. If you don’t, others will use it against you. It’s that simple.

      In May I read about “zombie cells” aka senolytics which may be making aging faster. Link: https://nypost.com/2019/05/14/zombie-cells-in-your-body-could-be-the-reason-you-age/


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