I haven’t done a Q&A since December, and that is a very, very, long time to be sure. No “AMAs” for me. AMAs are idiots-savaging-time popularity contents. Instead, we bring you the same format from previous years, where my dear friend and bond king of the hour, Mr. Savage, questions and reaps me into pieces…of solid information. [previous interviews here: 2017, 2018(I) and 2018(2).]

Mr. Savage: Max I am thrilled to have you here, even it’s just for 10 minutes.

Max: And I am thrilled to be here with you, even if it’s just for 10 minutes. As I like to say, if you don’t know what you’re doing in 10 minutes, 10 hours won’t get you there. So go ahead.

Mr. Savage: You’re going to double publish it on Medium, you said. Isn’t that a public relations risk ? After all, you’re not exactly mainstream.

Max: No, I am not. But I have to let the larger public know what I’m about.

Mr. Savage: The value proposition of you writing this personal blog goes beyond anything I’ve seen. And I’ve seen a lot.

Max: I am one of the most controversial bloggers in the world, and I have fans beyond the finance industry. In fact, some of my biggest fans are from outside this industry. I’ve opened a lot of doors for people who’s improved their lives with the tips and “School of Hard Knocks” I’ve kept running for 7 years.

Mr. Savage: Right. One of the latest thing we’ve seen is your fascination with the Game of Thrones. That series ended earlier this year.

Max: I am a late fan of the show, and I had to watch it all. You see different types of leaders throughout the show, and they all have something to teach. For example, the saying the “Night is Dark and Full of Darkness” could be the World is Worse and Full of Scumbags.” I wrote an amazing book last year. And you know what ? Your *leaders* and *fat cows* kept it under wraps. So I say: If anyone working here has it, you’d better not tell your co-workers and supervisors. There’s a tremendous amount of ill-will toward those who are getting up the career ladder. The elites have embraced virtue-signalling and the kakistocracy is full-swing. It is now the hardest it’s even been to be promoted from low-level or mid-level to upper-level employee. True in almost ANY industry or occupation. The most typical letter I get from readers starts with: “I’ve been here for so many years and haven’t been promoted once…” The managers refuse to promote the hard-workers. I’ve tried to give you some tools in that book.

See also  GameStop

Mr. Savage: The Book of the Underdog, yes. Are you saying the managers and C-suite keep a “blind spot” to the achievers that should otherwise get promoted ?

Max: Totally. It’s a willful blind spot. You’re not part of their “tribe”, a term I’ve used in the book.

Mr. Savage: And you told us how to deal with it. Word by word.

Max: Managers stage conflict all the times. Remember, they want to see you -the underlings- fight each other and lose. They will beat the dead horse (an unreasonable issue) so the messenger falls with it.

Mr. Savage: Ok, Max. What is the next direction for your blog ?

Max: You’ve seen we got a “Free Resources for the Free Minds” where the suggestions come from readers. Readers like you. Courses, classes, white papers, suggestions, it’s a lot in there. Since I moved the blog, readership has decreased. By a lot. Like 97%. We’re not interested in paupers and jumping jacks “trolls”, but in committed and serious readers. Readers who have a mission and purpose aligned with mine. Strap on your belts, this is going to be a rough road.

Mr. Savage: Any other messages for your readers ?

Max: You need to cull and curate your reading. Cut back or completely cut your social media consumption. Social media (especially Twitter) has become a cancer. Delete your social media apps from your phone. Spend time reading books, not social media feeds which are garbage.

Mr. Savage: Which books go well, or let me say it, which 3 books go best with reading the Book of The Underdog ?

Max: Good question. I would pair the Book of the Underdog with The Magician’s Way: What It Really Takes to Find Your Treasure by W. Whitecloud and with David Goggin’s Can’t Hurt Me: Master Your Mind and Defy the Odds. The former is not so well -known and is fiction while the latter is a 2018 best-seller readers might already have. But there are dozens more that go well with mine.

See also  Who's pulling your strings ?

Mr. Savage: Thanks, Max.

Note: Mr. Savage insisted he needed to watch a movie.


Bulletproof Monk: Full Movie (free with Ads)

12 Replies to “Max Cantor Q&A August 2019”

  1. Luke says:

    This has got to be the best Q&A yet.

    Reading Can’t hurt me now.

  2. Hal says:

    Hey, Max.

    Where are your Q&A from 2016, 2015, etc. ?


  3. Zen says:

    Read your Q&A.
    What happened to the fat cows ? Is it not fat cats ?

    1. Max Cantor says:

      Thanks to all who’ve read and commented. I was surprised to get good marks especially for a bland Q&A like this.

  4. Lora says:

    Hi Max.

    I thought there were 3 books, it’s only two that you added ?

    1. Max Cantor says:

      Hi Lora,

      Good preview to people analysis: Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships by Eric Berne.

      Hard to believe an old book from the 60s’ is a good as this one, but it is. It’s very good. I should do a review on that one.


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