Power vs. Force is a book I consider dated (1995-2006) in terms of what it offers. I gave it a 3.5 rating on a scale of 1 to 5. Central to the book is the points scale using kinesiology Dawkins developed to scale up human consciousness. His scale represents a logarithmic, not an arithmetic progression.

The decisive level of 200 is the fulcrum that “divides the general areas of force (falsehood) from what Dawkins considers power =truth”. For example, level 500 is “love”, 600 “peace”. levels 700-1,000 is “enlightenment”. The Declaration of Independence is at 700. He uses the muscle test to verify the truth or falsity of a declarative statement.

One of the tools the elites use to reign in the masses

“In our society, unfullfilled promises and enticement are legitimized, but satisfaction is denied. Commercialized sexual allure is used to sell many products endlessly, but the enjoyment of actual commercial sex is forbidden as immoral.”

Power vs. Force, p. 129

What religion has done to man for centuries…

“The moral code thus functions as a rationalized exploitation of the life energy of the masses, through a calculated distortion of values. The illusion proffered is that the more hellish one’s life, the more heavenly will be one’s suffering…”

Power vs. Force

Although written years ago, Power vs, Force mentions the M-fields as energy fields of consciousness. I talked about the M-theory before on this blog.

Dawkins says the ultimate choice is whether to align with a “high-energy attractor field or a low-energy attractor field.” His study with the kinesiology scale correlates well with “Rupert Sheldrake’s morphogenetic fields hypothesis, as well as with Karl Pribram holographic model of brain-mind function.”

See also  Power

Dawkins says only 15% of the population is above the critical consciousness level of 200. “At the original writing of his book there were only twelve persons on the planet who calibrated over 600. “ I can believe that. There’s probably half of those left today.

Dawkins considers there are different kinds of truth: operational truth. hypothetical truth and intelectual truth; and then there is factual truth.

Relying on the communal human consciousness concept from C. Jung, Dawkins makes his points on the logarithmic muscle-testing method over his decades of research.

Good movie ? Let me know

One Reply to “Power vs. Force by David R. Hawkins Book Review”

  1. Stewart says:

    I read awhile ago.
    It says that natural tobacco reads as strong connector, while the cigarettes with additives in it don’t.

    That makes you think…


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