Date at your own peril. -Anonymous

December 2019. They say a year has passed. A decade has passed and a new decade lies ahead. The longest bull market run in history. How do you make sense of this ? With an interview, in the same format we pioneered in 2016, 2017, 2018 (twice) and last August. The interviewer name is of course, Mr. Savage, and his credentials include PM at a large credit fund.

Mr. Savage: Max Cantor. So glad to be with you. What’s up ? What can you say about the end of the last decade and the start of what decade? What’s coming right at us ?

Max Cantor: What’s coming right at you is everything you didn’t expect and everything that has happened before. Ok, since we’re addressing the readers of this blog, we’re addressing the top 1%, so our readers are the best prepared in the world. Our readers don’t take shit for glitter. They don’t fall for the common traps.

Mr. S: Everything that has happened before ? Can you elaborate ?

MC: Decade, schmuckade, what was before will be again. Some players will change, fools will lose their heads. One thing you learn after awhile is that people don’t change. New decade ? It’s bullshit. People will go on running their little rackets.

Mr. S: But we live in a more combative and corossive society than we did 10 years ago, even 5 years ago. Wouldn’t you agree ?

MC: I’ve been writing this blog for 7 years. It’s a pimp or be pimped world out there, as I said numerous times. 340 times to be correct.

Mr. S: Well, what has changed in those past few years ? Something has changed…your readers want your input.

See also  Max Cantor Q&A 2018

MC: Well, we have the worshiping of women in the workplace, in the society we got the Universal Religion of Womanhood if you wanna call it that. But we all know women are pimping men left and right. They’re no more apt or equipped to deal with reality than men are, but they make the case that they are. I’ve got lots of haters on the account of telling the truth, including a senator, prominent lawyers and others. I’m fighting an uphill battle against censorship.

Mr. S: I didn’t realize it was like that.

MC: Whatever you think it is, it’s worse. Women are becoming more masculine and are cutting men out. So that’s one major development of the last decade. On the family development level, predictably we are seeing the rates of marriage dropping -Thank God for that ! They should be down to less than half of what they are now.

Mr. S: Why is that ?

MC: Marriage is a con-game run for the benefit of women. I wrote a short on Medium about that. You should read it. Marriage in 2019 is not what marriage was in 1999, 2009 or even after. But look, this bullshit is been known for some time. Romance is a scam perpetrated by this generation of spoiled brats. Dating is whitewashed whoring.

Mr. S: Max, if it is how you’re telling us, glad I don’t have to do it (I’m married).

MC: I know you are. Women are incredible abusers of men, but yours seems to be holding.

Mr. S. (Knocks on wood) What else, Max ? What do we need to know about the decade ending ?

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MC: Read my articles, S. I mean read them thoroughly. Forget the “decade” -there is no decade. It’s just you. Look at yourself in the mirror. Are you the same that you were one year ago ? 5 years ago ? 10 years ago ? If you’re the same man with the same habits and patterns, you have a problem my friend. If you haven’t evolved during the course of a single year -forget the decade bullshit – you’re in bad shape. People will keep throwing their eggs and pebbles at you -they always do. The weak and meek gets stomped on. That will never change. Not in a decade or thousand years. You’re in the fight for your life.

Mr. S: I guess I am. Nobody has made me aware like that before. WTF. And what’s next on your side of the cubicle ?

MC: S, take it easy. We have something big in store for 2020, but I have to still my breath and keep it secret. For now.

Mr. S: Thank you, Max.

One Reply to “The Best interview of the Decade -with Max Cantor”

  1. Sean says:

    Good interview.
    A decade’s worth in 5 paragraphs.


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