Marriage for men is not only a losing proposition (we all know what family laws are like), but a sure bet for losing your edge as a man and becoming a watered-down version of yourself.

Ever wonder why older married men envy the younger bachelors ? A young untied man is the envy of the married man (with or without kids), never the other way around.

Are you divorced or have you ever been divorced ? Then you know the surge of energy, initiative and well-being you found after the break up. (if you made it a complete breakup and not a long drawn affair, which can be very draining). If you’re a man chances are you didn’t initiate the divorce, she did, and if that caught you by surprise, it’s your fault.

The modern marriage model relies on monogamy and long-term cohabitation. Both are corroding to q man’s well-being and health, and explain divorces. The only reason divorce rates are not higher than they are -they should be 200% higher -is because of the dire financial consequences of divorce., the shaming and family pressures that keep together people who no longer wish to be together.

Did you know ?

Monogamy has been around for only the last 1000 years [citing Kit Opie, an evolutionary anthropologist from University College London. ] Monogamy is the prime directive of the societal conditioning and has allowed for the spread of the population.

Monogamy is an enforced unwritten social contract that creates such phenomena like cheating, family crime and so forth.

What are the alternatives ?

Marriage is a favor men do for women. Women would marry a lamp post if they didn’t have a man. How do the smartest people in the world -some of whom work on Wall Street – deal with it ? Why is it they still married after 10 or 20 years ? Well, I know some of their secrets. And so do you. These are the two secrets to a long, happy marriage.

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Never monogamy.

Your *unwritten* contract with your wife should be that you’re allowed to have other partners, even if you don’t bring them to your bedroom. And so should her. That’s the basic, truthful recognition of your nature as an actualized, successful man. If she doesn’t tacitly agree with it you’ve married the wrong woman. If you have any money or earn a high income, Pre-nup and all of that good stuff come without saying. With your *flings* you should be using a Non-Disclosure Agreement that not only establishes consent but has clear penalties, as in punitive penalties, if a breach or threaten breach should occur. I list punitive damages of $250,000. Since a lot of women sleep with men to derive fame, publicity, money or just as a blackmail tool, take the steps to make no guarantees as to your fame -enabling, explicitly disavowing any claim to fame or money. This way she can’t come after you with neither “he told me he was famous” nor “I expected this and that from having sex with him” bullshit. Let me read you something: “The Male Party makes no guarantees or promises of any kind as far as his performance, after-effects, post-encounter availability, benefits or implications, of any sexual encounter to the Participating Party or Parties. The Male Party makes no warranties of any status, symbol, standing or provenance of any sorts.” I suggest you consult a lawyer to draw you a NDA for Intimate Contacts.

Now , if you’re using a prostitute, the contract is the money you’re paying, but still be John Q. Anonymous. Let’s say years later a prostitute recognizes you -and you’re famous – and wants to come forward to say she’s had sex with you to cause you a public relations disaster. No NDA. Deny. It’s your word against hers.

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Successful married people DON’T cohabit with their wives.

You don’t have to be rich or own three houses. Just don’t live with your wife. Room-mating is a drag on attraction. Sleep in your own bed, in your own apartment. You may not see your wife every day. And that’s Ok. She should look forward every day she can spend a minute with you. That’s a happy wife.

May you live long and prosper !

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