If you’ve been following this blog for at least a year, you know that I don’t believe in New Years Resolutions -see last year’s writings New Year’s Resolutions: What To Do and How To Do It –Part I and Part II.

That doesn’t mean I haven’t come across a good goal to achieve for myself.

Enter having multiple orgasms -as a man- and no spill (ejaculation) objective.

Here is a comprehensive post on the subject by Jonathan Roseland, linked here. Jonathan writes about things like The Million Dollar Point (not everything is about money, folks, this is a point on your perineum that you can press to keep yourself from ejaculating), the squeeze technique, the anal lock, tantric breath control, Cool Draw and Big draw and so forth. Roseland even puts forth a 20-day Practice Plan.

The basics of eventually achieving orgasms where you don’t ejaculate rests in Kegel exercises, with the people doing them reporting progress in 8 to 10 weeks. Here’s UCLA’s paper note on Kegels.

There are some videos that purposely lay out Kegels for men, like this one.

Should I report back in 3 months -or in 6 months- on this New Year Resolution ?

Let me know,

Disclaimer: No medical advice of any kind is written here, and no endorsements are made or implied .

See also  Pulling the curtains back over the new year

5 Replies to “New Year "Resolution" – Orgazms-a-plenty, no spill”

  1. Craig says:

    Grandpa said: Leve no spill.
    He was into this.

  2. Seth says:

    Added to my skillset.
    AND that is power.
    No spill –>Keep it going.
    She gets none.

  3. Max Cantor says:

    Update: 7 week report.

    Last night I achieved a mostly dry orgasm, using the Million-Dollar Point and contracting the PC muscle. I wouldn’t call it a great experience.

    The forced fingers pressure on the Million Dollar point is difficult to keep, to say the least. It did the work, but the whole thing was cumbersome and unnatural, interfering with intercourse.

    My breathing was poor, and I didn’t, at least I wasn’t able to regulate and have deep breathing.

    My nads still got emptied. I didn’t not reload for a second round as it was late and she had to go. Next time, I hope to reload and have at least a two-time show.

    At least in the refractory period (immediately post-orgasm) I didn’t notice the usual drop in cognition and vigor associated with release; for that I am grateful.

    With everything, they say, it takes time. And so it is with self-improvement. Achieving a 90% dry orgasm is no small feat.
    There’s still a lot of work to do.

    That was my 7 -week report when, for the first time, I achieved a dry orgasm. (all the previous ones were failures or near-failures, so I had nothing to report since I failed).

    Thank you all for the good work if you’re working on this one.

    And remember: BE A LITTLE BETTER, EACH DAY.

  4. Max Cantor says:

    All right.
    Time for another update.

    I achieved another no-spill orgasm last night.
    This was after trying it 5 times in the last few days.
    I fucked her for 20 minutes (it was late, after 1 AM) did not expect the visit but I was not going to say no to a horny girl.

    As in my previous update, It was extremely difficult to keep my fingers on that MD point; in fact my fingers were hurting. It’s logistically impractical; doesn’t come natural with any sexual act.

    Despite the pains with applying MDP, what I liked and noticed, AGAIN, was the reduced -practically non-existent -refractory loss of cognitive power post-coitus. Remember, that is the reason WHY are doing it.

    With the kegels, remember to up your time, i.e. from 10 to 15 seconds contractions…

    As always, I would like to hear from readers who have worked on this and what their experiences have been.

    Remember: the practice starts solo: masturbating. There’s no need to be bashful. Then you take to a woman, then to the next one, and next one…

  5. Max Cantor says:

    Update: 3 month report

    I am posting this late, I should have done it last month.
    There have been tryouts and fails, and partial fails. I continue doing my Kegels. I am having difficulties with the Million Dollar Point on cue, which is the only way to avoid ejaculation.

    Beware: you must not pee right after sex, because you will eliminate the semen. Be mindful that you’ve gone to the bathroom before sex.


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