Pre-seed is the first outside investment entrepreneurs receive into their business after bootstapping and F&F (family and friends). Chris Corbishley, an Investor at Forward Partners, a UK VC fund, has good words of advice on structuring and negotiating those early investments. (link). Read that along with their pre-seed Term Sheet .

“A concept known as the ‘Founder’s Dilemma’ reveals the importance of making some hard choices before even approaching VCs for investment. As startups grow, entrepreneurs face a dilemma. On the one hand, they must raise resources to grow their business. If they choose the right investors, they can outperform.

In fact, HBS research shows that founders who gives up more equity to attract good people and investors, build a more valuable company than ones who part with less equity. The founder ends up with a more valuable slice, too.

On the other hand, in order to attract investors and executives, founders must give up a degree of control over decision-making as a quid pro quo.”

Chris Corbishley

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