If you’ve been following this blog for awhile, you know I have have an interest in the metaphysical.

  • The worst you can do is follow the news.
  • The best you can do is stay away from the news.
  • Information in this digital age is, in a way, a virus

I’ve already talked about the mistake of underestimating the economic disastrous effects of the quarantine, the second (economic) curve which IS NOT an epidemiological curve (the one that follows the spread of the virus). So this is not what we are going to be talking about today.

What if, this virus, or any virus, is seen as what it is, an energy signature ?

If you’re laughing at “energy signatures”, nuclear medicine is a field based on “energy signatures”.

After all, we humans, have infected and arguably are at the point of destroying the Earth. Some will say humanity is the worst infection on Earth that ever was. [not that I necessarily agree with that]. From outer space, modern civilization even looks like a cancer spread out over this planet…

I reckon after this is over -over generations – this virus DNA will become part of your [future] human DNA.

[suggested reading: Rats are New-Yorkers, too.]

From that perspective, we are only fighting our future selves. We are always fighting ourselves.

Some people say thoughts are a form of energy. But they can’t elaborate on it. We’ll leave it at that.

If the virus could talk, it wouldn’t overpower the hosts. (Why self-destroy ?)

The virus wants to find a new host, the host fights it, and…

See also  Freedom from time

Can’t we all just get along ?

If you didn’t have something that it wants, the virus wouldn’t be banging at your door. Simple logic just scares people out of their wits. I wonder why any scientists haven’t studied the original animals who had passed on the virus (pangolins, bats or whatever). See what kind of a deal have those bats cut with the virus.

Back to metaphysics: Is your “energy signature” hospitable/attractive to this virus ?

All things, including humans, have a certain vibration. Your geniuses at Harvard even mapped it out.

What makes for a hospitable host ? Inhospitable host ?

Are you “syncing up” with the virus ? [Side read: The Hippies were right: It’s all about vibration, Man , Tam Hunt, Dec. 5, 2018]

But that’s for another time.

Until next time,


Further reading list:

The Kybalion Chapter IX
Discussion of human resonant frequency, Brownjohn, James M. W.; Zheng, Xiahua
A Super-Simple, Non-Quantum Theory of Eternal Consciousness, John Horgan, Scientific American

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