Fully supporting LGBT and my forward-looking statement of the population sexual dynamics

I wanted you to know that here we are fully supportive of the LGBT Community and inclusive of all: non-binary and X-gender. Perhaps one of the most notable trends seen in the last decade is the increase in the “non-binary” and “genderfluid” population while the gay population stayed relatively constant, around 6%. “Hijras” are officially recognized as third gender in countries in the Indian subcontinent, being considered neither completely male nor female. “Hijras have a recorded history in the Indian subcontinent from antiquity as suggested by the Kama Sutra.” (Wikipedia). Years ago I very briefly mentioned here that the Angels, at least the Christian concept of them, are androgynous. Gender identity in “genderfluid” as well as sexual preference (two different things) can change throughout life. We don’t really know how many men are bisexual (“men might believe they’ll suffer a higher social cost for identifying as bisexual”) but we do know a huge percentage of women identify as bisexual (25% of young black women in the U.S. and 10.1% of white women in the U.S., according to the Conversation). These percentages will only increase.

We are aware that the marriage rates are falling, in fact in the U.S. the marriage rate is the lowest in at least 150 years. We consider marriage to be an outdated institution, and monogamy to be a myth. Men and women living together don’t just get bored, they were not meant to live together. Lock a cat and a mouse together and see what happens. The marriage rate should still be falling and get into a trough from which it will not recover. Most years-long marriages are marriages of convenience where the parties are anything but happy.

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I believe sex is the basis, the only basis, for a healthy relationship between adults: a man and a woman, a man and a man, a woman and a woman -their choice. The hierarchy that is emerging is as ancient as the foraging primates order: it is centered around sexual ability and functionality. The younger women in their prime will have their “harems” and should not be precluded from exercising their options, and the men who are in their “prime” -knowing fully their peak extends beyond their ’30s, ’40s, and for some into their ’50s -will have theirs. I surmise they’ll be fewer women’s harems -not because they won’t have enough sign-ups, but simply because women are less sexual than men. Women have considerably less desire, need and proclivity for sex than men do. They’ll be quite a few gay and X-gender harems I imagine.

What makes a woman attractive ? Is it just looks ? It probably is, even though your household media machine is saying otherwise. What makes a man attractive ? Is it just looks ? It probably isn’t, even though your household media machine is faltering again with crap like romance and “sensitivity”.

The myth of men and women needing each others for companionship into old age

We reject the [false] construct of growing old together.

We see better outcomes from men forging companionship with other men -younger men- as they grow into old age. Likewise, better outcomes for the women who stay close to other women (younger than themselves) as they grow into old age. Men are their Tribe. Women are another. Again, keep in mind there isn’t much keeping men and women together other than sex.

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Over-investment in progeny

Over investment in kids is possibly the biggest obstacle to self-development, and that investment rarely lasts for only 18 years (if anyone here has 18 years to waste away, let us know). Generational wealth is an engine for wealth inequality as well as economic waste (guy who’s got it all won’t be working as hard as the father and grandfather did). But what about my kids ? Think of children ! No kidding. How about children will be children and have a 24-hour kindergarden, then 24-hour school…etc. Kids belong with the kids. Kids should be spending more time with their own anyway. That’s their Tribe. Yes, but they’re helpless. They’re helpless until about 6- 7 years old. About the time women feel the need to get rid of their old man. If you haven’t exited by then, if you’re still married…joke’s on you.

Until next time,

Your Man,

Max Cantor

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