In the previous post Women game men since birth I promised to delve into some inter-sexual relationships dynamics. I’ve repeatedly touched on this subject over the years, and the men who have taken notice are staying safe. Those who haven’t, well, those are in the majority, they get taken to the cleaners on the long misery road paved by the femdom society.

Women are master manipulators. They not only lie with a straight face, but they undermine even the men they have a genuine interest in. Why would anyone in the world do that, you ask ? They do it because it’s fun. It’s the way of the femdom (Femdom = keyword derived from female + kingdom, the societal structure of the modern, Western society). The USA is a femdom. Although not outright declared a femdom, women’s “empowerment” push is a disguised supremacy movement. Back to relationships and the Jezebels tales:

1. Women lie about the number of sexual partners they’ve had. You’ll need to X2 (multiply by two) in some cases, or X3 (multiply by three) in other cases to get the number of their sexual partners. Why ? Women do not include oral sex (receiving or giving) or even anal sex count when they count. In many cases they don’t even include one-night stands into their sexual history. They’re inwardly ashamed of their record while keeping it under tight lips.

2. Women sexual fantasies are more extreme or deviant than men’s fantasies. Read Nancy Friday. Don’t ask your girlfriend. Don’t even ask the women in your family or close circle. They’ll never tell you. They got vibrators worn as accessories nowadays these women shove up their labias and asses at the same time they put on their earrings. (they’re remote-control operated and you charge them with your standard portable power stick).

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3. Related the the point 1.), by and large, millennial/Gen-Z women have more sexual partners than millennial/Z men do. Traditionally throughout history , it was men, with their stronger sexual drives who had more sex than women. In the last two decades (perhaps three decades), this historic trend reversed, and it is women who have more sex, more often, and with more people than men do.

3. When a girl says and -believe it- some girls openly declare to the whole world on their Instagram account- that she’s never been happier with you than she is, never felt more understood and accepted…all that bullshit…it’s lie. Your time with her is coming to an end, and she’ll split in a matter of months…or weeks. Look for the next announcement… of an “amicable split”…You’re in for a hard landing…or perhaps a soft landing.

4. Every woman gets tired of her man. They’ll never tell you that, though. Women cheat more than men, yet men keep the secret, while women will blast it out to damage the reputation of the man they are cheating with. That’s why we say here that marriage is a scam. So any woman who is married for a couple of years or in an LTR for years is fair game.

5. When a girl says: “I need time” it’s really “You’re not it.” Move on. You and her are history.

6. There so much debate among people as to what makes a man attractive to women. Women say: it’s money. Status. Success. Looks, and so forth. While all of those count, in reality there’s ONLY ONE MAJOR factor of attractiveness: [if] you are already fucking an attractive woman. That’s the game changer. If you already have an attractive woman, preferably several, your desirability shoots though the roof.

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7. Women must be allowed to periodically cry, be upset over you and their situation with you. Don’t try and comfort them. If they’re not frustrated with you, you’re not it.

8. When a girl says she’s looking for a good man, that’s the signal to bail out. In this society, a “good man” means a man with no backbone. “Good man wanted” is a red flag sign.

9. If you have the chance, study her current boyfriend (or husband). You want to be the opposite of that, in most everything: looks, demeanor, occupation, hobbies and interests, habits, even temper. Of course, she’ll never tell you that. She’s a woman. She’ on the lying squad.

10. After having been though so many relationships I lost count of, I can tell you there is no love. Or love is all that is. For 24 hours at a time. Or 24 months. The more ephemeral, the better. It just so happens the brightest fire lasts the shortest.

Until next time,

Your man,


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