I’m going to link today to a post on Saastr about VPs (Vice-Presidents) from Jason Lemkin and what that job entails. I’ve been following Jason since 2016.
“This is job #1 for all your VPs. Recruiting. “
Jason Lemkin
Don’t just check who they managed at their last company. Check who they hired. Not inherited as a manager. But hired themselves. And make sure they hired at least 2 good folks. And ask to talk to both of those 2 great hires. And figure out if they really are great
Jason Lemkin
If you work in venture capital, make sure you read Bessemer Venture Partners Memos. There’s a wealth of information there about the investment process in their targets: Twitch, Shopify, Mindbody, Linkedin, Pinterest, etc.
And the Quote of the Day comes from Friedrich Nietzsche:
…aesthetischen Sokratismus…dessen oberstes Gesetz ungefähr so lautet: “alles muss verständig sein, um schön zu sein”; als Parallelsatz zu dem sokratischen “nur der Wissende ist tugendhaft.”
…aesthetic Socratism, the chief law of which is, more or less: “to be beautiful everything must first be intelligible” — a parallel to the Socratic dictum: “only the one who knows is virtuous.”