Since this pandemic begun, I’ve written several pieces on how to get women. Well, but I don’t have a smile on my face, I have a facemask ! – Stop your excuses !

Today I will expand on a comment I made, comment which I will raise it to the level of a commandment.: STOP helping women, the ones that you are interested in on a romantic level that is. That’s it. Don’t help them even if you can, even as they ask for your help.

1. You’re not the ONLY one she is playing. She’s doing it to others, and has done it countless times before.

2. The preferred role for ALL women is that of the VICTIM.

3. She will take advantage of your MALE protective instincts, which unfortunately, ALL males have.

4. She derives her power from your need to protect her. That is your WEAKNESS. Not her looks. Contrary to what many people say, it’s not her looks that make you weak. If you stop protecting women in any way or shape -logistically, financially, any ways, you are already becoming better than 90% of men out there. Sometimes self-improvement takes a strange turn, fellows, but it is the truth. Remember, Don’t HELP them !

My original comment

One key metric of self-improvement is detachment from the false societal programming of romantic love. As a man who’s gone through dozens upon dozens of relationships, some brief and some long-lasting, I can tell you equal relationships do not exist. Someone is leading the other; the other has to follow.

The biggest weakness men have is their protective instinct (of women).

You already saw that in the original comment. If you don’t reverse that…it will be your downfall.

“Women don’t really belong to any one single man, they belong to the community.”

Arturo Sandoval

Train your false programming to minimize and eventually conquer it.

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How ?

Think about a new women you date as Josh’s and Costello’s also. These are fictitious names of course, but you need to acknowledge and accept she is with other guys, guys you may know or not, doesn’t matter.

Men play video games. Women play men. That’s their game.

You are one of many.

You borrow a book from the library. Others will borrow it, too. Would you be opposed to it ? Of course not !

You don’t have a claim, any claim, to any woman, including the one you’re married to (if you’re married).

I made the bold claim in the blog before that men-women relationships end after a period of 6 to 12 months. So if you’re in a relationship still after this period essentially you are experiencing the decline of it. This downslope can be slow indeed, very slow, sometimes decades-long. Children slow it down the most because of what I call the overinvestment in progeny people make. You have to stay together for logistical, financial and security reasons. But you’re still in a trough. Anyone who’s been married can confirm that.

Stop the non-sense of monogamy

Even Taoist Daniel Reid in The Tao of Health, Sex & Longevity (1989) states a man should have several female partners strictly for health reasons. Why men are duped to staying together with only one woman for a period longer of 6-12 months it’s beyond the understanding of Buddhists, too. It is false societal programming and both us men and women are falling for it.

“Love is meant to shared.” -they say. Think “women are meant to be shared” and be ahead of the pack…

In My next article I will share with you the 10 Biggest lies That Women Tell

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Stay tuned…

-Max Cantor

“Love is meant to shared.” – Think “women are meant to be shared” to be ahead of the pack…-Max Cantor

One Reply to “Women game men since birth”

  1. Subash says:

    Totally agree.
    And when a woman asks u What do you do for a living ?
    Answer: Are you hitting on me ?


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