A NY Times 2018 published article The Best Sport for a Longer Life argues that tennis, badminton and soccer are the best sports for a longer life.

I’m going to argue here that the following solo activities, as opposed to these popular, white-collar, “after-work” activities, are better. No, it’s not jogging or biking, although there is a time in your life when these activities are perfect. With time, jogging and cycling put a strain on your main joints, and depending on care, you may not be able to do them, or do them at a high performance level.

So what it is that get you moving at any age…100, 90, 80, 70, 60…even at 20 years young ?

  1. Stretching in in various forms: calisthenics, gymnastics, yoga and Pilates. The yoga practiced in the West is a form of gymnastics consisting of passive and active stretching, fancy-packaged as yoga. Yoga is gymnastics for non-professional athletes. Another form of active stretching is dancing, where the music element is present. Why do you see so very few people in old age dancing ? Dancing eliminates age barriers.
  2. Sailing. Sailing can be done in solo or in teams; maneuvering a sailboat is complex. It is alternating between action and rest…with plentiful of rest if you’re not in rough waters. So if you live near a body of water, give sailing a try (of course, after you’ve been properly trained). And you better know how to swim if you ever capsize. Hiking on water is a pretty difficult skill.
  3. Gardening and fishing. Gardening and fishing are therapies for the mind. Some people with acreage go as far as animal farming. Taking care of animals, animal husbandry, is more complex than taking care of plants, especially decorative plants.
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So here you have it: stretching (yoga, dancing), sailing and gardening/fishing.

Basic keelboat sailing

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