July 20th issue of the WSJ had an interesting article, Clubs Grow as Social Hub for Workers on the mushrooming of private social clubs in New York and other cities.

“Most charge $5,000 or less in annual dues, plus a smaller sign-up fee though those at the top end can charge considerably more..


Becoming a member at these clubs might take some time. Zero Bond [a 22,000 square foot private membership club in the heart of Noho] relies heavily on recommendations from current members in adding to its membership roll. Mr. Sartiano declined to say how many members he has but said Zero Bond has about 8,000 members on its waiting list.

NeueHouse earns about 35% of its revenue from membership fees, with the rest coming from brand partnerships, private events and its restaurants and bars, according to Chief Executive Josh Wyatt.

Kate King, WSJ

Zoom fatigue ? Do you really need a private club to go out for drinks and dinner ?

On the wheel of full-throttle snobism, here at Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude, I am the only one seeking refuge from the vagaries of this vane and empty world. I stand alone, as I always stood, firm in my ancestor’s- Spartacus place.

And now a word from Sadhguru, the Indian mystic

See also  Into the minds of the elites

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