When you read this post that appeared in the New Yorker- If You Want This Job, We Must Interview You Forever (Sept. 2, 2022) – you may laugh. Or not. The hypothetical experiment of interviewing in tech is frayed with ridiculous steps. When you cross this mountain, there’s another. You cross the other, there’s another...

Can you dig it ?

FROM: [email protected]
DATE: April 16, 2022

Dear Applicant,

You got a lot of “yes” votes, so we are delighted to initiate our community-stakeholder interview.

Could you come by Bubble HQ tomorrow and give a thirty-minute ted-style talk to an auditorium of six hundred employees, followed by a Q. & A.? Think of it as one very big interview where everyone can see what you bring to the table!

Your topic is “The Future of U.I.”

P.S. The tone of the talk should be jovial, with some great zingers.

The New Yorker

The never ending steps (streams ?) of interviews. What happened with the two interviews (or three, max.) you used to have ?

See also  Commentary on QLE's Pena

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