Meet your new masters: the “enlightened” Silicon Valley robber barons

There hasn’t been that much enlightenment in Silicon Valley since Buddha drank his first cold brew coffee some 2500 years ago. Lately it seems, Silicon Valley has embraced a sleuth of self-styled prophets who excel at self-development…and they’re on track of seeding poor plebeian minds. Let me be clear, I… … Continue ReadingMeet your new masters: the “enlightened” Silicon Valley robber barons

Beta Tales

Reader Tom writes in an email today: Yesterday Elon Musk taunted the SEC calling it “Shortsellers Enrichment Commission”. Today, David Einhorn of Greenlight Capital “Like Lehman, we think the deception is about to catch up to TSLA,” Einhorn said in an investor letter Friday. “Lehman threatened short sellers, refused to … Continue ReadingBeta Tales