Affirmations played on bin-aural beats | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. Wed, 06 Dec 2017 06:56:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Affirmations played on bin-aural beats | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© 32 32 155119938 Do Binaural Beats Affirmations work ? Wed, 06 Dec 2017 06:56:00 +0000 A reader send me a link yesterday to a popular video asking me “Does this work ?” The video must be pretty popular (490K+ views since summer) and there’s a whole bunch of them, some of lengths of hours and hours. As you can see, the video is affirmations of … Continue ReadingDo Binaural Beats Affirmations work ?

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A reader send me a link yesterday to a popular video asking me “Does this work ?”

The video must be pretty popular (490K+ views since summer) and there’s a whole bunch of them, some of lengths of hours and hours.

As you can see, the video is affirmations of the kind “Confidence comes naturally to me. Everything I do turns into gold, etc.) recited over 432 Hz “binaural beats” sound music.

What are binaural beats ? Binaural beats correspond to the frequency of the so-called “theta” brain waves. There’s some mathematics behind them (link). In this particular compilation the writer says that you should listen to it for 21 days.

I have no idea if these binaural beats statements work or not. I think it is best to have those statements written down. Furthermore, the use of “You” is probably stronger than “I” (I know that runs counter-intuitive for most of you.)

As far the pronoun “I”, you can tell the difference between “I am energetic” and “I have lots of energy”: the “I am” is the stronger statement.  But I have my reservations with these affirmations. If you’ve been following me, you know I don’t believe in wishful thinking. My methods of extracting change are harsh, painful, and border on exerting body and mental exhaustion. I work with the natural, the supernatural, the hyperspace, the Sith, the M-theory, the Godless, the forgotten, the downtrodden. The whole reason of writing here is to give the downtrodden a chance at winning. Winning against the odds. Crushing the odds. I don’t just study the “science of achievement” -that’s for Tony Robbins- I study the science of “unshackling”. I go to God and hold Thy accountable for what Thy did, if Thy wants me accountable at the end of my life, Thy needs to do the same while I’m here.

However, you’re welcome to try it…and let me know.

Meanwhile, what’s better than the Neiman Marcus 2017 Christmas Book ? What’s better than GS Elevator’s Holiday Gift Guide , which Business Insider has been publishing for the past 5 years ? Better than British GQ’s Top Gifts Guide ? Well, of course, Max Cantor’s Holiday Shopping Lists, coming up this month ! Don’t know if there will be two of them this year, there were two last year: one for “unlimited” budget Holiday 2016 I Wish list ,and the second one,  Holiday Shopping List 2, with a budget of $100.

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