I will acknowledge, however, that the golden age of blogs and journals is behind us. That’s one of the reasons I incudes a video in most posts, whether directed related to the writing or not. Blogging is a losing business monetary wise, and those of us still writing are just happy to share our thoughts and discoveries with the world.
Syding’s latest newsletter post, How the World Work, is very rich in theosophical and existential treaties. I thoroughly enjoyed it. Obviously, I can’t reproduce it here, but he’s keen on *meetings* being the core of everything and consciousness, not matter or time, is what defines existence. [I spoke about the non-existence of time already back in 2019]. Karl-Mikhael Syding ends up signing his newsletter with the title “Aspiring Sheng-Jen”. According to the Oxford dictionary, a Sheng Jen is in China, one who hears the way of Heaven (Tʾien) and develops understanding, often translated as ‘sage’. Sheng-jen is therefore the ideal wise person who penetrates the hidden meaning of all things and lives accordingly.”
This year, I brought to your attention the Indian mystic Sadhguru . I hope you’ve read my book review of his latest book weeks earlier, and that contemporary mystic Sadhguru has inspired you.
In the beginning was a field…Syding says. Not the Big Bang. What happens is human mind can only perceive snapshots, beginnings and ends, labels. These are our limitations. Past, future. Snapshots of the human mind.
I see this “field” as emanating from the present. The future is made now…and so is the past. Poor human snapshots of reality the mind of the common folk is unable to grasp. The Universe is marching towards its end as well as towards its “beginning” concurrently, because there is no “beginning” or “end” to begin with.
In the Zone (Sadhguru’s latest short video) with former rugby player Jonny Wilkinson, CBE.
Can you dig it ?
FROM: [email protected]
DATE: April 16, 2022Dear Applicant,
You got a lot of “yes” votes, so we are delighted to initiate our community-stakeholder interview.
Could you come by Bubble HQ tomorrow and give a thirty-minute ted-style talk to an auditorium of six hundred employees, followed by a Q. & A.? Think of it as one very big interview where everyone can see what you bring to the table!
Your topic is “The Future of U.I.”
P.S. The tone of the talk should be jovial, with some great zingers.
The New Yorker
The never ending steps (streams ?) of interviews. What happened with the two interviews (or three, max.) you used to have ?
The post They could even invite you to role-play a scene from “The Phantom Menace.” first appeared on Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude©.]]>“
The company, with the help of this lawyer at Wachtel tries to stop Elon, which it argued were more about the drop in Tesla’s shares and its effect on Musk’s wealth than anything else. |
“Musk refuses to honor his obligations to Twitter and its stockholders because the deal he signed no longer serves his personal interests,” the company said in the suit, adding: “Musk apparently believes that he — unlike every other party subject to Delaware contract law — is free to change his mind, trash the company, disrupt its operations, destroy stockholder value, and walk away.” |
Of course, Elon countersued
So, where is all going ? You can’t force food down anyone’s throat. I don’t see Twitter being able to enforce the buyout.
Twitter said in its lawsuit that Musk had appeared to abandon efforts to complete his debt financing. And he disappeared when Twitter’s executives, including Ned Segal, its C.F.O., reached out to discuss the figures about spam accounts that Musk had said he was concerned about. |
Musk also appeared to get rid of executives who were helping him close the deal, such as Bob Swan, a former C.E.O. of Intel, according to the lawsuit. On June 23, Musk told Twitter that he had asked Swan “to depart the deal proceedings, as we are not on the same wavelength.” |
We’ll be watching more of Musk and Twitter, certainly.
To sum up Royal’s advice: take the girl away from her familiar territory, and have her lean on you for support.
That’s what you would do with a spoiled child, wouldn’t you ? (Practically all children in our days are spoiled by their parents)
That’s why we don’t spoil them here at Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude…
We ride the bull and we crash it down.
It’s the end of pampering and servitude.
The post Ex-pimp’s advice first appeared on Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude©.]]>I will hold off any comment on the war in Ukraine…I am busy with my own war. But here’s a video to brighten your day.
Tiny Waist & Round Butt Workout.
Let this silence breed wisdom…
Podcast: Since this blog started as a business aviation fan site, Here’s a podcast from Aviation Weekly on Russian Sanctions and the impact on business aviation
The post Under attack by haters first appeared on Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude©.]]>“all the mental effort we’ve mustered over the past year has left many of us feeling depleted and distracted, unequal to the tasks that never stop arriving in our inboxes.”
Annie Murphy Paul, NY Times
“In recent years, I.Q. scores have stopped rising or have even begun to drop in countries like Finland, Norway, Denmark, Germany, France and Britain.” -the so-called reverse ‘Flynn effect.
NY TImes
I’m one of the few people saying that social media has made people dumber.
The article makes some points for extraneural learning or learning outside the brain.
“When we turn a problem to be solved into a physical object that we can interact with, we activate the robust spatial abilities that allow us to navigate through real-world landscapes.”
Annie Murphy Paul
Quote of the day:
“Not to know one’s true identity is to be a mad, disensouled thing — a golem. And, indeed, this image, sickeningly Orwellian, applies to the mass of human beings now living in the high-tech industrial democracies. Their authenticity lies in their ability to obey and follow mass style changes that are conveyed through the media. Immersed in junk food, trash media, and crypto-fascist politics, they are condemned to toxic lives of low awareness. Sedated by the prescript-ed daily television fix, they are a living dead, lost to all but the act of consuming.”
Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge
We built up the single best resource for a man’s [worthy] life, regardless of age.
The post Why we are here first appeared on Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude©.]]>With that being said, I’m glad to give you links to the resources on investing the professionals working in the industry have.
The Acquire’s Multiple recently listed 50 of the best investing podcasts in the world . Lot’s of good stuff in there:
Since the pandemic begun many trends have arisen in the business world…there are so many I don’t make them my subjects. Somebody could write an academic paper on why Tesla is the craziest stock ever…as of today Elon Musk is the 4th richest person in the world
Another interesting subject are gym-equipment manufacturers. Since a lot of fitness clubs have been closed, one could assume they’re doing poorly, yet they are not. Fitness-equipment makers are following the trend of gyms slowly transitioning to at-home gyms. Take the case of Nautilus, which made the subject of a WSJ article last week:
“Net sales rose by 94% YOY and the company entered the third quarter with a big backlog. Hot items such as the company’s Bowlex SelectTech adjustable dumbbells are in such high demand that they are sold out and used ones are on sale for around double what brand-new ones cost earlier this year.”
Wall Street Journal
So hey, while you may or may not have any money in crazy stocks like Tesla, make sure you don’t have any money in the depreciating assets known as women. My guide to your women life is second to none.
This meme is making the Internet happy today.
For you youngest readers, interns are in high demand.
The post We tackle the hard stuff first appeared on Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude©.]]>2. Algae Oil (for cooking). Thrive Algae Oil says it has a high smoke point up to 485°, which means it doesn’t burn at high temperatures.
In the video below, the author says he only eats once a day. I eat twice a day. It seems to me that when we eat less meals we give ourselves more time to restore and recalibrate. (Remember, IF means you leave at least 15 hours between the last meal and first meal of the day.)
3. Tulua of Huntington Beach, CA makes ginger shots, mixed with other cold-pressed juices. They come in the same 2 fl. oz. packaging.