“The number of MBA-dedicated yachts expanded from 12 in 2019 to 95 in 2021, according to Day 8. These year there were 42 M.B.A. boats carrying roughly 500 people, according to the company. HBS students alone booked 28 yachts that took part in the festivities, up from 20 in 2021. Photos posted on Instagram last month showed some Yacht Week attendees in matching white hats with the HBS crest and a sailboat. Students from Stanford’s Graduate School of Business and Tuck came aboard, too, according to Day 8.”
I won’t bother you with more details of these libations since most of us are more concerned with the price of meat going up by 9% this year but remember: these are your future leaders.
They ask that you don’t call them “fats cats”. “Slurpy cats” ?
To the futures Chairmen and Chairwomen of Goldman Sachs, I will tip my hat ! And get that venture capital money for your app-for-hangovers ready, people !
Until next time,
Your Man,
Max Cantor
In this book you learn language patterns and covert hypnosis.
Quick rules for field operators
“Drive emotion using fear, regret, sex, fulfillment and social acceptance.”
Always mimic breathing speed first.
Accidental body contact causes immediate, short-lived insecurity in just about everyone.”
The Ellipsis Manual
Deprogram society’s thoughts
“There’s a part of everyone, I guess, that just knows how to let go and enjoy.”
the ellipsis manual
Environmental shifts
“Changing your tie in the bathroom. Correcting a person you’ve just met on your name. Shifting which hand you eat with midway though a meal…Changing types of pens or notebooks in a meeting.
the ellipsis manual
Join hundreds of military veteran entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who are building the future at the Military Veteran Startup Conference hosted by Context Ventures on Fri. Feb 4th, 2022 in San Francisco, CA
The book is written with the operative and subject instructions and has rich scenarios with Ericksonian hypnosis flavors and not coincidentally, is the Number 1 bestseller book on Amazon in the Hypnotherapy category in 2021.
Let’s look at some more thoughts on the subject: “I don’t believe there’s a reason for everything, and having faith doesn’t mean I’m blind. I believe people make poor choices. I believe bad things happen to good people. I believe there’s evil in the word that I will never understand, but will never stop fighting. – Tammara Webbe
Peter Kreeft says there are no good people: “That’s what’s so striking about the title of Kushner’s book: When Bad Things Happen to Good People. How is that fair? Well, the answer to that is that there are no good people.”
“People just want to believe. Otherwise they would have to admit that life is just a random series of good and bad things that happen until one day you die. – Nicola Yoon
“Don’t Expect What Goes Around to Come Around. Total jerks and evil people often get all the good breaks. Being nice guarantees nothing. Good things happen to bad people. Sometimes, things just don’t “balance out” or “work out for the best.” – Paul Pearsall
Paul Pearsall hit a home run. Let me explain. I know, as do you, plenty of rotten people are not only wealthy, they live glamour lives: money and health galore. Yes, their dog and squirrel sometimes die and they cry out for their misfortune, but let’s face it, they’re like Tesla, their stock only goes up. You’re asking yourself: “Is their karma this f-ing good ? Is my karma this f-ing poor ?
Myself and the 19th Century mystic G.I. Gurdjieff are the only people who said that time does not exist.
I shit on rich and powerful front lawn (hopefully, not literally). I stand up for the underdog. Not like fake underdogs (hello, Chamath Palihapitiya). Welcome to the only website in the world for the oppressed, underserved, unappreciated and unlucky.
For the girls in our lives we have a video today:
2. Participate in conferences, developers forums, seminars and strategy forums. The more involved you are in your profession and the more you know about verticals the better. Speak to and meet your peers and avantgarde leaders.
3. Whatever your last employer, your best chances are to get hired by a competitor. This doesn’t change regardless of your industry and profession.
4. If you haven’t bought the Book of the Underdog yet, buy it. It is the best, life changing book on personal and professional development of the last decade. Now, 3 years later and into a new decade, the book still holds as the gold standard.
5. Pivot if you have to. Read the 15 Invalubale Laws of Growth by John C. Maxwell and The Big Pivot: Radically Practical Strategies for a Hotter, Scarcer, and More Open World by Andrew S. Winston.
All amorous relationships in your life need to be dynamic. We have numerous posts here on relationships from the male perspective: do a search for 2019 and 2020 and you’ll be floored with relationship advice. We don’t follow the mainstream advice on “working in relationships” because once a relationship needs “work” (other than minor corrections) I believe the relationship should be curtailed. Things to bear in mind:
-People naturally grow apart.
-Monogamy is a myth and all the happy couples that I know have or have had, multiple lovers.
-All relationships end in breakups, hopefully the breakup is gracious and well-choreographed, eg. you have a prenup and a postnup.
-The way you got into that relationship the same way you will split up.
-I don’t recommend marriage for men. If you get married you need to clearly spell out your economic arrangement with the woman. No ambiguity. (The honeymoon phase usually ends in 6 months).
-If you’ve made the mistake of getting married and have kids, you need to obtain 50/50 custody. That is for the kids since they need both a father and a mother in their lives.
“Nietzsche is an incredibly important and deeply misunderstood philosopher. He’s the bridge between many things that came before him — beyond just philosophy — and many things that have come after him. Rather than state the answer, he provokes and encourages deep thought. In some ways, he’s the perfect philosophical mentor for an entrepreneur since you can apply his quotes in many different ways.”
We will be discussing this book as soon as we have a chance of reading it.
However, I suggest everyone to read Nietzsche first.
While we have explored -and validated-the concepts of grit and power-posing here since 2013, we haven’t talked about IAT.
“The IAT is the brainchild of APS William James Fellow Anthony Greenwald (University of Washington), and he began working collaboratively on it with APS Past President Mahzarin Banaji (Harvard University) and APS Fellow Brian Nosek (University of Virginia) in the mid-1990s. Over time, the tool has led to the examination of unconscious and automatic thought processes among people in different contexts, including employers, police officers, jurors, and voters.
The US Department of Justice (DOJ) has integrated findings about implicit bias into training curricula for more than 28,000 DOJ employees as a way of combating implicit bias among law enforcement agents and prosecutors. And in a historic 2015 decision involving fair housing, the US Supreme Court referenced implicit bias in a ruling allowing federal action against housing policies that have a disparate impact as well as being overtly discriminating.”
The Bias Beneath: Two Decades of Measuring Implicit Associations -The Observer, Association for Psychological Sciences Journal, January 31, 2018
Jesse was shamely published in the Wall Street Journal. Had she used her upcoming book for toilet paper, we wouldn’t be needing to empty stores shelves like last year’s.
Meanwhile, WSJ has refused to publish me, because it might tickle the elites anti-male rhetoric.
Back to the WSJ article, Jesse discovered black gold with a study that found “intelligence contributes 48-90 times more than grit to educational success.” No kidding, Sherlock. Too bad Jesse doesn’t understand, or conveniently chooses to ignore grit is a less-measurably character trait while intelligence is a polygenic, inheritable, relatively easily-quantified trait. Intelligence is peaking at age 20, after which is slowly declining. Grit ? It doesn’t peak at 20, it can shoot up to the skies at 60 ! Genius Jesse is trying to compare apples to oranges. As for me I’ll stop commenting on her remarkably worthless article.
The elites are shooting at us with non-sense. They always have.
Who are the “messiahs” of momentum ? You know, the usuals, Elon Musk, Mark Cuban, SPAC King Chamath. Also you got rappers like Snoop Dog. These are people with a huge social media following.
Chamath pumped up $GME crazy last month.
“At 10:32 AM EST on Jan. 26, Mr. Palihapitiya tweeted that he has bought call options on GameStop adding: “Let’s gooooooo!!!!!!!” By the end of the next minute, GameStop’s price had jumped 9.6% as trading volume quadrupled, with nearly 10,200 lots of 100 or fewer shares changing hands, according to a WSJ analysis of market data from DTN.
At 4:08 EST the same day, Mr. Musk tweeted :Gamestonk!!. More than a quarter-million shares traded immediately and, by the time 10 more minutes had elapsed, GameStop had shot up 31%. The shares, at roughly $144 before Mr. Musk’s tweet, surged to nearly $348 the next day, then fell to about $50 by this [last week], this week closed at $40
On Feb. 3rd, Mr. Cuban tweeted “If I had to choose between buying a lottery ticket and #Dogecoin,…I would buy #Dogecoin.” Over the next 12 hours, the digital currency shot up roughly 50%.”
This is price manipulation, whether Musk had any positions in GameStop or not. Of course, these billionaire “influencers” can say they did not tell anyone to buy anything. Nevertheless, they moved the markets. Whoever got in and out fast enough made a lot of money. Whomever stuck around[assuming they bough on the momentum Musk or Palihapitiya created], lost.
The point is, these billionaires are playing roulette with people’s money, via social media. They are making a market, out of shit, literally. [Dogecoin has gained more than 1,300% in 2021, even though it was conceived as a joke and has no practical use -WSJ].
Maybe someone at the Securities and Exchange Commission will read my article (it’s not the only one I wrote on this bullshit). Maybe not. The Twitterati [I use that word to mean the Twitter elite] with millions of followers will continue to peddle their wares. But you need to understand these people are only interested in laying more money into their already full pockets. Their insidious intent is to stir up interest, reap the froth and leave behind a lot of dung.
Until next time,
Max Cantor
Have you been enjoying Power, the Starz series ? I know I have [catching up here…]
I’ve picked up some good moves from the episodes and some non-sense you should stay away from…when dealing with women. Of course the producers and consultants of the show don’t have the life experience that I and many of my readers have.
St. Patrick’s asks his mistress, Angela: What’s wrong, baby ?
I guess naming the nightclub St. Patrick opened “Truth” is one thing, actually knowing you never covet to a woman is another. It is interesting Tasha, St. Patrick’s wife, knows all about his drug dealings, while his law-enforcement mistress sleeps with him to discover who he is…but he discovers who she is first.
In this case, mothers know best. If you have a girl who loves you, that’s the “love” of a woman.
At least that answer to women’s shit “I love you” is right.
St. Patrick, it seems, continues sleeping with Angela the government lawyer instead of cutting it off.
That sounds like my advice, and of many others, of how to best be with a woman. I say see her once or twice, a week. (Friendly reminder, the best post of 2020 was Goldman’s Socks 69 Rules of Being a Man)
Holly Molly. Nobody does.
Let’s see how Kanan rolls, since he’s looking to take St. Patrick out. We’ll keep you updated as we dig more interesting facts from the show.
Until next time,
Your Man,
Max Cantor
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The post Bullshitter of the day: Paul Tudor Jones first appeared on Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude©.]]>
“Not to know one’s true identity is to be a mad, disensouled thing — a golem. And, indeed, this image, sickeningly Orwellian, applies to the mass of human beings now living in the high-tech industrial democracies. Their authenticity lies in their ability to obey and follow mass style changes that are conveyed through the media. Immersed in junk food, trash media, and crypto-fascist politics, they are condemned to toxic lives of low awareness. Sedated by the prescript-ed daily television fix, they are a living dead, lost to all but the act of consuming.”
Terence McKenna, Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge
We built up the single best resource for a man’s [worthy] life, regardless of age.
The post Why we are here first appeared on Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude©.]]>