In this book you learn language patterns and covert hypnosis.
Quick rules for field operators
“Drive emotion using fear, regret, sex, fulfillment and social acceptance.”
Always mimic breathing speed first.
Accidental body contact causes immediate, short-lived insecurity in just about everyone.”
The Ellipsis Manual
Deprogram society’s thoughts
“There’s a part of everyone, I guess, that just knows how to let go and enjoy.”
the ellipsis manual
Environmental shifts
“Changing your tie in the bathroom. Correcting a person you’ve just met on your name. Shifting which hand you eat with midway though a meal…Changing types of pens or notebooks in a meeting.
the ellipsis manual
Join hundreds of military veteran entrepreneurs and venture capitalists who are building the future at the Military Veteran Startup Conference hosted by Context Ventures on Fri. Feb 4th, 2022 in San Francisco, CA
The book is written with the operative and subject instructions and has rich scenarios with Ericksonian hypnosis flavors and not coincidentally, is the Number 1 bestseller book on Amazon in the Hypnotherapy category in 2021.
Monday June 15th, The WSJ had an article “Negotiating that Raise or Promotion” (Tessa West) I will comment on today.
Unless you are self-employed, most of us today aren’t negotiating for raises, we’re “negotiating” for holding on to our jobs and not being axed in a crashing economy. Forget the raise -nobody is giving any raises, folks. I’m thinking 30% of investment bankers are going to lose their jobs in the next year or so – and they don’t even know it. Who goes out the door first ? Juniors, of course.
I said negotiating with your BB as in Big Brother. See, I call your boss the Big Brother. (of course I know the biggest brother we often use the word for is the government, but what are you going to call your boss, Little Brother ?)
The only way you’ll still have a job in the next few months is if you’re hooking up yours to your boss’s.
We’re not living in a normal economy. We’re living in an economy suffocated by incompetence and artificial status hierarchies.
Back to the article
Tessa West says you need to ascertain your boss social hierarchy status: “hierarchies constantly shift”. Of course they do.
“What does your request ‘cost’ your boss in social capital ?”
Tessa West
“What problems does your request solve for your boss ?”
TW, The Wall Street Journal
Oh ya, like you thought bosses are those little angels here to help people in need. You can read the rest of the WSJ article at your leisure.
Know this: the boss, BB (nice sounding name by the way, bee-bee), whatever, only cares about his/hers social (organizational) status. You either understand this or you don’t.
There you go, Adam Galinsky, “getting inside your boss’s head”.
Here comes my 20+ years of experience dealing with bosses: a very confident boss is just as bad, or worse, than an insecure boss. Bingo ! (Please don’t make this quote into another meme, I’ve had enough of those already).
You need to bring your boss up the ladder of confidence or he’ll lose you faster than a speeding bullet.
With a very confident boss, and we’re talking C-level here, you need to get him out of the stratosphere and back to breathing though the face masks we’re going to be using around one another for at least some time. Unless you’ve discovered a Covid-19 vaccine, he doesn’t care about you.
Talking about Covid-19, remember: there’s no such thing as an “invisible enemy” (I know you’ve heard that term a lot lately.) Your boss is vulnerable no matter what industry you work in or how high up in the hierarchy he’s in.
I wrote this Book, The Book of the Underdog for people like you, who’ve had enough of being pushed aside and away. After dealing with the wild card bosses are for a very long time, I gave you straight up the truth about bosses, careers, negotiations and lifestyle improvements. Written in 2018, BOU is still the Manual for handling your bosses.
“Hello Max,
I am fortunate to have found your website, the content is niche and glorious like no other site I have seen. You are helping people though their breakpoints and I am stuck between Scylla and Charybdis. I work at a major investment firm in the City of London. I have a successful career, started as a two year IB analyst and now I am an investment director at a credit fund with a $250 MM book. My boss, Paul, is one of the PMs. He’s been faltering in the last two years during the time we’ve shown a 1.6% gain. He’s lost the confidence of his investors and partners and there’s talk of having him ousted. I am one of the two contenders for his replacement. Since then he’s been on my case, has vetoed some of my decisions. He has made me his enemy. What can I do to fight back ? He’s lost his mojo, he should just retire and resign. Before we have been getting along well for almost six years.
Thanks. -Tim“
How close is the team to have him replaced ? I assume you’re going to buy him out.
Sooner or later when you are successful this is going to happen:
“[Your boss] will make you his enemy.”
I look at it cool and dandy, it’s simply the price for success. It’s natural. Don’t fight it. Expect it. So what you are saying is that Paul has made you his enemy since learning you are likely to replace him. This is commonplace not just in financial services but everywhere. Side observation, I don’t know the terms of his contract and what terms lead to suspension or dismissal.
Most people go through life with the erroneous belief their bosses love them or something. Until that time comes. Until the time comes when you are named to replace them. They don’t have a clear exit option, don’t want to leave, and hate to see you in their place.
Tim, you are not stuck between a rock and a hard place ! Your boss, Paul is !
You need to get a hold of yourself buddy. Cheer up ! The Gods of Olympus are smiling on you ! [I am using Greek mythology reference since you were first using it.] This is your time to shine !
“The only way out it through.”
Did he mentor or helped your career ? Sometimes the masters hate it when their trainees, “cubs”, overtake them.
Here’s what can happen,
1. You can have a soft breakup [before a hard one].
Go play gold, cricket, hockey, chess or whatever you and him play, let him first win and then beat him silly. I think of game defeat as a soft breakup. That might bring him to his senses.
2. Since him, not you, is crushing, bring him to his breaking point. He’s building toward it, but he hasn’t reached it yet. Everyone has a breaking point.
3. Do you know how to dominate ? If you’re not sure of your own value, you don’t know how to dominate. You are weak. Work on that. You are not his servant. You are there for yourself. Does this guy scare you ? Does this guy have the “superstar effect” on you ? The superstar effect, borrowed from sports, inflicts a mental strain or paralysis on people. Don’t fall for it.