getting fired letter | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. Sat, 01 Dec 2018 07:48:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 getting fired letter | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© 32 32 155119938 Getting fired: no explicit reason Tue, 24 Apr 2018 01:32:00 +0000 Reader Sky wrote this email about her situation at work. “Hello, Max. I have taken the courage to write you about my dire work situation. I work in the entertainment industry and I am a music promoter. I have been with my company for three years. Unfortunately I find myself … Continue ReadingGetting fired: no explicit reason

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Reader Sky wrote this email about her situation at work.

“Hello, Max. I have taken the courage to write you about my dire work situation. I work in the entertainment industry and I am a music promoter. I have been with my company for three years. Unfortunately I find myself now being told I’m getting fired. There’s very little to go as to why. I am a great employee, I have received numerous commendations for my work, which has increased substantially in the past year. I did not expected to get fired. Also, I don’t have another job offer. 


You’re being gutted and you don’t know why. I thought this topic concerns most people and I broached the subject in my future book that will come out this year.(in the book I also look at executive employment agreements having seen some of those). Some CEOs that are forced out think they can get their stock options grants before the year is done even if they’re not vested. There may be some basis for that.

What you need to know is that you are at-will, and you can be fired for any reason or no reason. The situation sounds unfair, but that is the law. Are you getting any severance pay or are you going to have to struggle to pay your bills ? That’s a tough spot to be in, for sure.
Thought of the day:
“Warriors do not win victories by beating their heads against walls, but by overtaking the walls. Warriors jump over walls; they don’t demolish them.”

The trend in last few years is more employers firing mid-level managers (those with over three years of experience) and hiring recent grads. They would rather train newbies, who have very little output value in the beginning, than keep experienced workers. Experienced workers cost them more, so after 3 or 5 years they let them go. Once you’ve reached a few years of experience, you should already start looking. Be proactive, don’t wait for the ax to fall. While you’re working you should be networking constantly to build your personal brand.

I don’t know how your relationship with your boss was. If that wasn’t a great relationship you may find right there the reason for your firing. I speak a lot about the boss in my book, about taming that beast. If you’ve got a bull for a boss, what do you do ? How do you make your way in this cruel workforce ? How do you work your way up to the top ?  Ass kissing works until it doesn’t. How do you take take down your boss ? How do you create a managed event ? These are some questions I answer there. 

You need to start looking for a job, like, yesterday. The easiest way to go is to apply to competitors. Competitors love poaching employees from one another.  If somebody doesn’t have a job, maybe they know somebody that does. It’s not that difficult. Also, consult with a lawyer knowledgeable of employment law.

I wish you good luck.


On my reading list:

Tip : 50 Cent’s 50th Law is only $1.99 ebook at Amzn. That is less than the price of a coffee cup. The 50th Law is one of the recommended books for the Underling on my list. Winners have read the list, while losers ignore it. We are happy with that, since trash heap are the majority and will continue to be so.

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