mastermind | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. Mon, 30 Mar 2020 19:50:19 +0000 en-US hourly 1 mastermind | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© 32 32 155119938 Dark Energy Sat, 22 Jun 2019 18:44:46 +0000 In the Birthdays writeup on June 3rd I advanced the idea that emotions are the dark matter of human consciousness and that something else, something which I will attempt to find today, is dark energy. The terms dark matter and dark energy were borrowed from the latest, most modern, particle … Continue ReadingDark Energy

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In the Birthdays writeup on June 3rd I advanced the idea that emotions are the dark matter of human consciousness and that something else, something which I will attempt to find today, is dark energy. The terms dark matter and dark energy were borrowed from the latest, most modern, particle science and astronomy. I’ve used a link to Hetdex: Hobby-Eberly Telescope Dark Energy Experiment, and also, gave you two article links to developments in those sciences, one, in which science disproves late Stephen Hawkins’s theory that dark matter is made up of primordial black holes (PBH) and another, with a discussion on the origins of dark matter, its discovery, and renaming efforts.

“The word ‘dark’ evokes black, meaning something that absorbs light, but that’s not right. What we are seeking is something that does not interact at all with light. Physicist Lisa Randall therefore prefers the term transparent matter.

Even that is still not right, though, because strictly speaking we are not certain that we are looking for matter at all. What we are really seeking is something invisible that generates an anomalous gravitational pull. “

Corey S. Powell, Discovery Magazine

Dark from either dark matter or dark energy therefore essentially refers to invisible.

The source of everything, it seems, is dark energy, the invisible part seemingly making up 74% of the universe. That dark energy has an antagonistic force, the dark matter -emotions -which makes up 21%. To sum up the differences between the two, differences which are fundamental, we’ll look at the Cornell Univ. Ask an Astronomer. The explanation there is good enough for someone without a background in astronomy or astrophysics:

“Dark matter must exist to account for the gravity that holds galaxies together. If the only matter in the universe was matter we could directly detect, galaxies would not have had enough matter to have ever formed. The galaxies we observe today would fly apart because they wouldn’t have enough matter to create a strong enough gravitational force to hold themselves together. Dark matter is also responsible for amplifying small fluctuations in the Cosmic Microwave Background back in the early universe to create the large scale structure we observe in the universe today.

Dark energy, which also goes by the names of the cosmological constant or quintessence, must exist due to the rate of expansion we observe for our universe. Not only is the universe expanding, but this expansion is also accelerating so the unknown ‘anti-gravity’ force at work is termed ‘dark energy’.” –Cornell Ask an Astronomer

Given that Cornell gives us an alternate term for dark energy, “quintessence”, let us use them interchangeably moving forward. By now you will have understood the fundamental difference between the two.

The job of the alpha male is to reduce and eliminate emotions -the dark matter- which pulls things together. For the individual is the Cosmos and the Cosmos is still expanding.

Men and women are not “complementary” as commonly acknowledged by pundits and wags. They are adversarial. Dark matter vs. dark energy.

The Game

For Women is to look more interested and dependent than they are.

For Men is to look less interested and dependent than they are.

We are not going to talk about women today. Such a boring topic. Astronomy is better. Women exist for the purpose of reproducing themselves. Reproduction machines. That is their Prime Directive. We call that the Immutable Law of the Womb.

The Seasons

There are two best Seasons in life.

One is childhood, because there is little notion of time. Children have a different reality absent the chains of time.

The other one is adolescence, young adulthood. That’s when people question everything and disagree.

But there is a third Season. It is called the alpha male season. You say, Ok, they’ve given me a birth. Now I got to deal with my death, too. Thank you so much. You’ve given me emotions. Thanks for nothing. I might as well have driven to the city dump and have loaded up a truck full of smelly, slimy garbage.

Someone asks: Where can I go and load up on some dark energy…if it is also called quintessence…can that be that hard to get ?

Someone else asked (on Cornell’s Ask an Astronomer): “Can dark energy escape super-massive black holes ?

The answer: ” Dark energy can escape a black hole, no matter what size the black hole is and no matter how close the dark energy is to the center of the black hole. This is because dark energy is not affected by gravity at all. “

It seems to me there’s a connection between alpha male and quintessence. Over-investing in relationships is like saying I’m cleanest when I’m in big mountain of garbage in the city dump. The less people and concerns you have in your life, the cleaner you are. The less dependent on others -all others -the cleaner you are.

Eventually, the alpha male sees that in every relationship he has the other(s) make him invest into something he does not need. Every dependency is a chain.

But if that dark energy is all around me, how in the world could it be so hard to get and touch and fulfill ?

Look, I’m going to talk more in the future about dark energy. That’s enough for today. You understood the basics of it, that it is essentially a repealing force, that it is a non-feminine force, that it is responsible for the universe expanding. I’m going to sit on the edge of a black hole today and ponder.

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