wall street personalities | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© https://wallstreetdealmaker.com He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. Thu, 25 Aug 2022 20:17:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/wallstreetdealmaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/pitbullgif.gif?fit=32%2C22&ssl=1 wall street personalities | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© https://wallstreetdealmaker.com 32 32 155119938 Cathie’s blog is fun https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2022/08/cathies-blog-is-fun/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2022/08/cathies-blog-is-fun/#respond Thu, 25 Aug 2022 20:17:10 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2647 Over here at Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude we follow Cathie (Katherine) Wood, the world superstar of of the investment world ARKK Investment. ARKK Invest is a vehicle tailored towards stocks with secular growth trends. Kathy (or Cathie if you prefer) even has a monthly Bitcoin newsletter. I … Continue ReadingCathie’s blog is fun

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Over here at Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude we follow Cathie (Katherine) Wood, the world superstar of of the investment world ARKK Investment. ARKK Invest is a vehicle tailored towards stocks with secular growth trends. Kathy (or Cathie if you prefer) even has a monthly Bitcoin newsletter. I read her newsletter and listen to her interviews.

The latest post there: Is It Possible That Your Body Will Heal By Creating And Manufacturing Its Own Medicine? I invite you to read it.

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Main Street Lending Program https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/10/main-street-lending-program/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/10/main-street-lending-program/#respond Fri, 16 Oct 2020 17:11:19 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2279 WSJ recently brought up an article on Fed’s Main Street Lending Program, glaring a forerunner of the program, City-National Bank of Florida. “The Main Street Lending Program works like this: businesses with revenues of up to $5 Bn or fewer than 15,000 employees can apply for loans of at least … Continue ReadingMain Street Lending Program

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WSJ recently brought up an article on Fed’s Main Street Lending Program, glaring a forerunner of the program, City-National Bank of Florida.

“The Main Street Lending Program works like this: businesses with revenues of up to $5 Bn or fewer than 15,000 employees can apply for loans of at least $250,000 from participating banks. Banks can then, typically, sell 95% of the loan to the Fed. Businesses have five years to repay the loans, and they can defer principal payments for the first two years.”

The Wall Street Journal, Orla McCaffrey

There’s no forgiveness with this loans, but the rates are competitive: around 3.2% nowadays.

In my judgement, this is a great program. Why aren’t mare businesses getting into it ? It seems to be there aren’t enough lenders willing to tap into it (fewer than 100 banks have used it as of the end of Sept.)

The example cited is City National Bank of Florida and their customer, Mango’s Tropical Cafe. who got a $10 MM loan.

“Before March 16, Mango’s was bringing in about $50 MM annually, more than enough to employ around 450 people and to cover payments on mortgages of almost $50 MM.”

Orla McCaffrey, WSJ
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Love in the time of Corona https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/03/love-in-the-time-of-corona/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/03/love-in-the-time-of-corona/#respond Fri, 20 Mar 2020 06:49:05 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2025 The title of today’s sermon is somewhat off. It is an obvious allusion to Gabriel G. Marquez’s novel, Love in the Time of Cholera (first published in 1985), but really my title properly should have been “Love in the time of feminine power”, not the Corona(virus), since for three or … Continue ReadingLove in the time of Corona

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The title of today’s sermon is somewhat off. It is an obvious allusion to Gabriel G. Marquez’s novel, Love in the Time of Cholera (first published in 1985), but really my title properly should have been “Love in the time of feminine power”, not the Corona(virus), since for three or four decades the movement of “female empowerment” is more acute, pervasive and widespread than any pandemic can ever be.

Women have the greatest power and hold the highest ranks in government and business, yet every day they cry how they’re being oppressed by the white male. They’re 60% of college graduates and the majority in the workforce, yet they say that’s not enough. It is never enough.

Give us the world, and we will call you our “equals”.

It is a misconception that Wall Street ranks are some tough guys living it large with high expense accounts and playboy habits. 90% of the people who work or have worked on Wall Street in the last decade or two are herbs with no balls and no life, computer geeks and run-of-the-mill VBA coders programmed to worship women like the rest of us. I know, I’ve worked with them. A waiter working at your average restaurant has more personality than them. They probably have only one girlfriend who has carefully screened their wallet and to whom they will get married to. They probably have a dog or two of those rat-like Scottish terriers or something. And they probably have a woman boss.

Women control the wealth of the world, not men.

From the boardroom to the bedroom, men dance on women puppet strings.

I was watching this Mexican comedian Franco Escamilla’s segment- “Ventajas de ser mujer” (Advantages of being a woman). He gets a lot of things right about the majority of herbs. He said that most women in that audience if they wanted to, could sleep with 85% of the men in there while the top men (say the top 10%) could only get it on with 15% of the women in there. Advantages of being a woman: multiple orgasms (lasting up to 30 secs)… while men snap and crack. We debunked that because there is a way to become multi-orgasmic in men, it takes some work, it takes focusing on yourself not on pleasing the woman, but it is doable. Franco is trapped in the Matrix like the rest of us herbs going along with the status quo of female empowerment and male dis-empowerment.

Ok, Max, I’m a herb, I have a girlfriend who is pleased with my bank account. This is who I am. It’s my generation. The generation of women worshipers. The generation that works for women bosses. This is what has worked for me. I don’t have any spare time, and in the free time that I have I take my girl on vacations so she can post her smiley photos on Instacrap for claps.

That’s love in the age of Corona. Or Cholera, whatever.

Frankly, I understand. If you don’t go with the program, they’ll spit you out. The Matrix doesn’t take any prisoners. You’re easily replaceable. You have to live in a female-dominated world. You are one and they are hundreds of millions, billions of tiny little packed bits of the Matrix. You’re living in the Matrix.

Ok, now that we know we are not referring to the novel Covid-19 virus, but to the female-centric society, you should acknowledge, and be proud of your dependency to women’s greatness. Bow to the magical feminine power.

Herb lines

I am a feminist.”

If you tell that to a girl you met, you’ve set the record straight. You don’t wanna be second-guessed.

I practice social-distancing.”

I heard that phase as a recommendation to preventing this virus, but I would extend it and use it as a valid introduction in any social interactions, way after the Coronavirus epidemic stops being an issue.

When you see some girls talking and giggling among themselves, go up to them and say:

“What are you guys talking about ? Is it Beyonce ? Tell me it is about Beyonce.”

I once started talking to a girl and told her: ” I vote to make prostitution legal.” She wasn’t too happy to hear that one out, so I explained myself: “With prostitution legal, there’ll be fewer abortions. Life begins in the fetus.” She left with a headache.

Another herb line: “If an orgasm falls onto deaf ears, is it still happening ?

And another one: “I feed my (female) dog vegetable chicken breasts. What do you guys think, will she be growing breasts ?

My rat-looking dog gets a lot of male-on-male attention

If you have a male dog, ask the girl:

“My dog is only humping other male dogs in the park. Do you think he is gay ?” If she says “Probably” say, “So happy !”

When you introduce yourself, sometimes it pays to just introduce yourself by the Zodiac sign. Say: “I’m a Sagittarius.

Consider wearing a white suit when you go to a club. You’ll stand out. If they ask about it, just say : “White Party.”

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Personality Tests https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2016/07/personality-tests/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2016/07/personality-tests/#respond Thu, 28 Jul 2016 23:25:00 +0000 http://wallstreetdealmaker.com/index.php/2016/07/28/personality-tests/ Personality tests, whether for employment (pilots, analysts) have become more and more widespread. Check out This IQTest or Mensa tests. IPIP Big-Five Factor Markers. “This test uses the Big-Five Factor Markers from the International Personality Item Pool, developed by Goldberg (1992).” Disclaimer: Your use of this tool should be for educational … Continue ReadingPersonality Tests

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Personality tests, whether for employment (pilots, analysts) have become more and more widespread.

Check out This IQTest or Mensa tests.

IPIP Big-Five Factor Markers. “This test uses the Big-Five Factor Markers from the International Personality Item Pool, developed by Goldberg (1992).”

Disclaimer: Your use of this tool should be for educational or entertainment purposes only. The results of this test are not psychological or psychiatric advice of any kind and come with no guarantee of accuracy or fitness for a particular purpose. Responses to this test will be recorded anonymously, without any personality identifying information, and may be used for research or otherwise distributed in accordance with this privacy policy.

According to Quartz (via Reuters) an Sachs is using the The SHL Occupational Personality Questionnaire (OPQ) which measures “32 personality characteristics relevant to performance”, a whole lot more than MBTI.

Wanna go for your own test. Try out the Psych Central MBTI (link ).

I think that more important than MBTI classification is whether you are a person with an internal or an external locus of control. You can test yourself, free of charge

From PsychTests: “Locus Of Control & Attributional Style Test (click on this link)

Locus of control refers to a person’s perceived control over their own behavior.
Do you control your destiny or are you controlled by it? This test assesses your locus of control orientation and your attribution style.

PsychTests site has a whole array of self administered tests, including:

Emotional Intelligence Test
Culture Fair IQ Test
Verbal-Linguistic Intelligence Test
Visual-Spatial Intelligence Test
Classical IQ Test
Analytical Reasoning Test
Logic IQ Test
Multiple Intelligence & Learning Style Test

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