women | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© https://wallstreetdealmaker.com He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man. Sat, 13 Mar 2021 17:08:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://i0.wp.com/wallstreetdealmaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/pitbullgif.gif?fit=32%2C22&ssl=1 women | Wall Street Financier: Notes from High Altitude© https://wallstreetdealmaker.com 32 32 155119938 Women https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2021/01/women/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2021/01/women/#respond Fri, 29 Jan 2021 19:45:01 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2359 How women play men
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Playing games is what women do.

Mind games. Trash games.

I watched this short episode and told myself

Never play a woman’s game

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Interview with “Don Johnson”, male, age 37, who has slept with 700+ women https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/11/interview-with-don-johnson-male-age-37-who-has-slept-with-700-women/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/11/interview-with-don-johnson-male-age-37-who-has-slept-with-700-women/#comments Thu, 19 Nov 2020 04:10:28 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2312 At the requests of more than a few of you, I pulled hard through my rolodex and made a phone interview with “Don Johnson”, a man I’ve known for a few years whom I’ll call friend of a friend. Now, before we give you the transcript of this call -this … Continue ReadingInterview with “Don Johnson”, male, age 37, who has slept with 700+ women

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At the requests of more than a few of you, I pulled hard through my rolodex and made a phone interview with “Don Johnson”, a man I’ve known for a few years whom I’ll call friend of a friend. Now, before we give you the transcript of this call -this was a phone call with New York City, let’s get something straight. This man is not a rockstar; he has never been in a band. He is not a celebrity nor does he wish to capitalize on his “record”. He does not have a Greek God body, he is 5’7″ and weights 150 pounds. He works out 6 days a week he tells me and tennis is his favorite hobby. He is not a Roland-Garros player, however, and does not have a Dan Bilzerian party-hardy lifestyle. He is not a millionaire, although admittedly has a 6-figure income from a job working in legal services.

Max: Hey man, thanks for agreeing to make this call public, on my website. I should say “public” with your name changed and no face shown. People have gotten so picky nowadays, if they don’t put a name to a face, Youtube or something, they get cramps.

Don: So let them get it. I can’t put my face out there.

Max: Understood. You have a regular job. Pulling ass is not your occupation. That’s how I introduced you: you are not a dating coach, not a Roland-Garros champion, not a heir to some fortune. Not a pornstar. Not a rockstar. We got that out of the way.

Don: Good.

Max: For 99.9% of men in America, you pulled a record. [I have a record of my own, but is smaller by comparison…]

Don: We’re all doing the best we can, Max. I know you’d be upping your numbers if you weren’t so damn busy.

Max: Let’s get right to it. What’s the secret sauce ? How do you get them, and how do you get them so fast ? Or I should say: How are you so effective ?

Don: Your vibe, man. The hippies were right: it’s your vibe. And by the way I get more women who are married / in relationships that I get single women. There is no such thing as a single woman, my man.

Max: My readers and I, we talk to women. But we don’t get them into bed. We get maybe 5%. How do you ?

Don: I’m pretty clear from the beginning. You see, just as women are gaging me, I gage them, too. I read women fast, within 5-30 seconds. If she is not a suitable prospect, I eject.

Max: And I thought I don’t try hard enough. I thought we [men] give up too quickly, or using your words,” eject” too soon.

Don: No. You guys fluster and flip all over the place. You don’t have the right concentration. I take their buying temperature and raise it faster than mercury. Then, when I’m around them, you see, I always -maybe not now cause of the Covid shit -am right up to their faces. I am into their personal space. Even if I don’t say much, or say nothing at all. No need to grab their butts to do that.

Max: Makes sense. What else ?

Don: I used to throw a weekly party at my place, and I’d invite them.

Max: No cocaine at those parties, huh ?

Don: Nah. I don’t need that. I have a stripper’s pole, professional, and I let them wonder around it. Most chicks have never seen or used one.

Max: There you go. Cats can play with the string. You know, last Christmas in my gift buying list I recommended men buy and fix one up in their bedrooms. And where you do find them ladies ?

Don: Everywhere. On the street, subway, bus, classes, seminars, conferences, outings.

Max: You’re a class act. You make wives and girlfriends happy.

Don: I do. We are wired for novelty: when a man meets a woman, assuming they are attracted to each other, you have a period of 6 months, perhaps a bit longer, during which sex should be consumed. If she rejects you (or you reject her) for all intents and purposes she is relegated to history. If you can’t consume sex within that period, your attraction to her automatically drops. Simply put, your genetic screen blanks out to that woman. You see her again one or two years later: let me tell you, you won’t be attracted to her anymore. She’s the same woman, still looking good…but under the laws of nature, old news is no news. Meanwhile, if you two get together you might even fall in love but be prepared for the expiration date. There’s an expiration date for the attraction towards any woman, and I mean even the most beautiful woman in the world.

Max: I talked about the falling “out-of-love” concept too, in one of this year’s articles. But I never thought that your “attraction” receptors are a one time receptor and after one frequency gets used it never gets synced again. Am I putting this right, Don ?

Don: Absolutely. Falling in love is followed by falling out of love with ANY woman. This is why men must have rotations.

Max: I agree. How do you keep them from dumping you, though ?

Don: You don’t. Nobody is “dumping” you. The leaves are naturally falling of the trees. Happens every year.

Max: Wow, nobody has made that association before. Don’t you make any efforts to keep your women interested in you ?

Don: Not really. I keep it at a bare minimum. Remember, I used to make $25K a year when I graduated high-school. I had the same number of women in rotation back then. Some birds were staying for a month, while some were in for a year. I didn’t mind. You’re free to leave me when you do. I was sharing my lunches with some, while others were paying my rent. I did not mind either.

Max: Man, you sound like some freestyling, freewheeling Casanova. I bet you’re good in bed [no homo].

Don: I keep them on their toes. You can say I do what they don’t expect and what they don’t get. But it’s my razor sharp focus that allows me to score while others fail. But I don’t fuck every night. That would be exhausting to anyone with a busy career. However, I get some nights when I fuck three girls, the 8 PM shift, the 10 PM and then the 12 AM shift.

Max: What else can men do to get to your level ? Obviously, most men don’t go out every night, especially during Covid you can’t really go out anywhere. The clubs and restaurants have to close at 10 PM in New York.

Don: Stay busy. Learn how to read a woman and raise her interest. Be social. Close on the spot. Let her talk about herself -women think more of themselves than anything else. Their favorite subject is themselves after all.

Max: Listen, I need to do a Part Two with you. Thank you for this call.

Don: Sure. Bye.

Music video: Dancing people are never Wrong. Even if you don’t like this music, you gotta keep ’em dancing.

Until next time,

Your Man,


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The 10 Biggest Lies Women Tell https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/09/the-10-biggest-lies-women-tell/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/09/the-10-biggest-lies-women-tell/#comments Sun, 27 Sep 2020 22:12:31 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2259 In the previous post Women game men since birth I promised to delve into some inter-sexual relationships dynamics. I’ve repeatedly touched on this subject over the years, and the men who have taken notice are staying safe. Those who haven’t, well, those are in the majority, they get taken to … Continue ReadingThe 10 Biggest Lies Women Tell

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In the previous post Women game men since birth I promised to delve into some inter-sexual relationships dynamics. I’ve repeatedly touched on this subject over the years, and the men who have taken notice are staying safe. Those who haven’t, well, those are in the majority, they get taken to the cleaners on the long misery road paved by the femdom society.

Women are master manipulators. They not only lie with a straight face, but they undermine even the men they have a genuine interest in. Why would anyone in the world do that, you ask ? They do it because it’s fun. It’s the way of the femdom (Femdom = keyword derived from female + kingdom, the societal structure of the modern, Western society). The USA is a femdom. Although not outright declared a femdom, women’s “empowerment” push is a disguised supremacy movement. Back to relationships and the Jezebels tales:

1. Women lie about the number of sexual partners they’ve had. You’ll need to X2 (multiply by two) in some cases, or X3 (multiply by three) in other cases to get the number of their sexual partners. Why ? Women do not include oral sex (receiving or giving) or even anal sex count when they count. In many cases they don’t even include one-night stands into their sexual history. They’re inwardly ashamed of their record while keeping it under tight lips.

2. Women sexual fantasies are more extreme or deviant than men’s fantasies. Read Nancy Friday. Don’t ask your girlfriend. Don’t even ask the women in your family or close circle. They’ll never tell you. They got vibrators worn as accessories nowadays these women shove up their labias and asses at the same time they put on their earrings. (they’re remote-control operated and you charge them with your standard portable power stick).

3. Related the the point 1.), by and large, millennial/Gen-Z women have more sexual partners than millennial/Z men do. Traditionally throughout history , it was men, with their stronger sexual drives who had more sex than women. In the last two decades (perhaps three decades), this historic trend reversed, and it is women who have more sex, more often, and with more people than men do.

3. When a girl says and -believe it- some girls openly declare to the whole world on their Instagram account- that she’s never been happier with you than she is, never felt more understood and accepted…all that bullshit…it’s lie. Your time with her is coming to an end, and she’ll split in a matter of months…or weeks. Look for the next announcement… of an “amicable split”…You’re in for a hard landing…or perhaps a soft landing.

4. Every woman gets tired of her man. They’ll never tell you that, though. Women cheat more than men, yet men keep the secret, while women will blast it out to damage the reputation of the man they are cheating with. That’s why we say here that marriage is a scam. So any woman who is married for a couple of years or in an LTR for years is fair game.

5. When a girl says: “I need time” it’s really “You’re not it.” Move on. You and her are history.

6. There so much debate among people as to what makes a man attractive to women. Women say: it’s money. Status. Success. Looks, and so forth. While all of those count, in reality there’s ONLY ONE MAJOR factor of attractiveness: [if] you are already fucking an attractive woman. That’s the game changer. If you already have an attractive woman, preferably several, your desirability shoots though the roof.

7. Women must be allowed to periodically cry, be upset over you and their situation with you. Don’t try and comfort them. If they’re not frustrated with you, you’re not it.

8. When a girl says she’s looking for a good man, that’s the signal to bail out. In this society, a “good man” means a man with no backbone. “Good man wanted” is a red flag sign.

9. If you have the chance, study her current boyfriend (or husband). You want to be the opposite of that, in most everything: looks, demeanor, occupation, hobbies and interests, habits, even temper. Of course, she’ll never tell you that. She’s a woman. She’ on the lying squad.

10. After having been though so many relationships I lost count of, I can tell you there is no love. Or love is all that is. For 24 hours at a time. Or 24 months. The more ephemeral, the better. It just so happens the brightest fire lasts the shortest.

Until next time,

Your man,



If you are new to this blog…this in an exclusive men’s blog…but not for any men…for men of character

Most popular post of 2020

Why this blog

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Memo’s fine notes https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/04/memos-fine-notes/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/04/memos-fine-notes/#respond Sun, 26 Apr 2020 06:14:37 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2119 After writing the Memo from April 14 and being barraged with questions, I put some further thoughts here. The fine print. People reading this will understand not everybody needs to be a *playboy* and not everyone can be a playboy. So these ruminations do not apply to most people. You … Continue ReadingMemo’s fine notes

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After writing the Memo from April 14 and being barraged with questions, I put some further thoughts here. The fine print. People reading this will understand not everybody needs to be a *playboy* and not everyone can be a playboy. So these ruminations do not apply to most people. You are welcomed to disagree with these points.

  1. People who didn’t like my Memo’s line “Women are a sport” need to understand women, all women of fertile age are players of men. In other words, men are women’s sport naturally. From day one women learn to manipulate men with a a smile and a cry. Women joust for men’s attention. It starts with their father. A father who caters to his daughter’s needs by welcoming petulant behavior has already set her up to become a master manipulator of men. In the modern American culture there are close to none -think 10 in a million- fathers who discipline and counter the attention-seeker vanity behavior of girls.

2. A playboy – or better, let’s use the term “woman connoisseur” if you prefer-, knows women and knows their vanity is based on thin clouds. As such he does not give any intrinsic value to womanhood. Women derive their value from outside validation. So do a lot of men, but this appearance-based vanity is staple of womanhood.

Let’s get into the meat of the things now

3. A woman connoisseur does not have a relationship with any woman for longer than 6-12 months, at best. This will sound crude to many. but think about it… a couple of months is enough to fall in love and fall out-of-love. After a few months the novelty is gone. Novelty and infatuation are the meat and bones of a love that a woman has for a man. What those “relationship coaches” and therapist won’t tell you, I will. There is no way to regain the novelty.

4. When two people fall in love… they don’t see (they blindly and blissfully ignore) there will be a “falling out-of-love.” Love is a drug. This is not just the title of a song and it is not a stereotype. It’s been scientifically studied and the conclusion is love is an addiction with a similar neural pathways as the heroin and cocaine addictions.

5. As opposed to the regular guy, the woman connoisseur exits before she does. He knows she will get bored, and rather than wait for her symptoms of wear and tear, he walks out. Like any addiction, love has a withdrawal period characterized by deep lows. For all intents and purposes, love is a disease with clinical signs, symptoms and pathology.

6. A woman connoisseur works to tear down a woman’s ego. That’s not because he’s an asshole. That’s because good-looking women have overblown egos. They’ve built that humongous, insatiable ego over years and years of getting attention and supplication from dozens, sometimes hundreds of men. You got to deflate that balloon. One blow in, 9 deflating breaths out.

7. After reading the above, it becomes clear in marriages and long-term relationship people are really just teammates of sorts who stay together for the mutual goal of raising children and having an economic alliance. That’s all there’s is to a marriage. There is not, there can not be “love”.

8. I’ve said it many times before, marriage is a favor men do for women. “Having a relationship” is never the goal of the woman connoisseur.

9. Entire articles and papers, movies and such have been done on the woman connoisseur’s past times and hobbies, eg. they are sailors, adventurers, artist-types, etc. Journalists are known to have access to a large network of people., often women.

10. The main difference between the regular guy and the woman connoisseur is that the connoisseur places negative value on female beauty. The only way to balance that is with his presence.

11. Salt-and-pepper hair, eccentric outfits, earrings, all that helps. How do you stand out from the crowd ?

12. The woman connoisseur knows beautiful women have the world at their feet. He’s asking himself this one question: How do I make myself some money out of it, and have the most fun while doing it ?

We’re going to circle back to the subject of the playboy, since this was just a short outline.

Included: some interviews with Mark Spiegler, the “chaperone” of many women working the high-end adult industry. He may have some insights.

Doesn’t exactly look like the playboy, but profits from it
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Memo from Max Cantor https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/04/memo-from-max-cantor/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/04/memo-from-max-cantor/#comments Tue, 14 Apr 2020 21:11:38 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2104 Howard Marks of Oaktree Capital Management [net worth $2.2 Bn] is a guy who regularly sends out his investment briefs and is well regarded in the investment world, almost every fund manager reads him. If you wanted to read his latest, click here. But that’s not why we’re here. We’re … Continue ReadingMemo from Max Cantor

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Howard Marks of Oaktree Capital Management [net worth $2.2 Bn] is a guy who regularly sends out his investment briefs and is well regarded in the investment world, almost every fund manager reads him. If you wanted to read his latest, click here. But that’s not why we’re here. We’re not here to talk about Covid-19 and the economy. I thought, why not write with a “Memo from” format. Not going to make it regular though.

The last post “10 Tips for your Women life” made some readers ask: “Well, how do I get laid like you, Max ? How can I score like a champ ? How do I keep them coming ?

Fair enough. You want to be the Don Juan of Booby Fields.

You’re looking at me like I’m the Howard Marks of Booty Calls.

Understand: unless you have a specialized set of skills, unless you have many techniques under your belt, your lay number will be small. You’ll get a woman down for 3 lays, or 30 lays, and then she’ll leave. She will leave you…because it’s the same thing every time and who wants the same thing over and over again ? Nobody does.

Number 2 on my “10 Tips” clearly states: “While in a relationship, you need to line up your [sex] dates in “lessons” fashion.

You need to maintain a Master -Student rapport at all times.

Give a little…every time.

Change, recharge, variate the interaction-of course you need to be sexually skilled for that. You have to go beyond the plain vanilla sex skills of the average guy, or you’ll never be a playboy.

Everybody says that “makeup sex is great”. Why ? Because makeup comes after a breakup. What they’re missing is the part that’s a one time event, then … still the same ol’.

Still stuck in a rut.

Lessons -sessions need to arranged in methodical fashion. It takes 7 year, on average, to master a skill. It takes a lifetime to master golf. Imagine that.

In this sport -sex- having more partners does one good. Experimenting is paramount.

For the playboy -make no mistake -women are a sport.

Personalize, accessorize. This is a process. You either love process improvement or you don’t.

Then you have to tailor it to your lover. To each one. If you don’t do that, your conquests will be few, and your flings will be short-lived.

Lessons and practices

  1. Buy the woman/wife a stripper pole and make her work on it every day. I already suggested it last December.

2. BDSM. There is light BDSM and there is extreme BDSM. We’re not here to promote Hogtied. You shouldn’t tie anybody who is not someone that you know well, and who you’re not comfortable with. You can check out Ballistic Metal Suspension Bar with chain / Spreader Bar or this Heavy Duty Suspension System. But sex that’s not kinky, it is lost.

3. Kinky is also if you have your partner suspended in the air and you fuck [preferred pronoun] upside down and sideways. You could try a Aerial Yoga Hammock Anti-gravity Inversion Swing Trapeze Belt Ceiling system. It’s inexpensive. (example: from China: buy link)

4. Threesomes are an experience, but there so much to talk about, it deserves a separate writing. Threesomes can be fully engaged, OR where you’re fucking another woman and she is ONLY WATCHING (voyeur-role).

5. What about foursomes ? Orgies ? They don’t work unless there’s a directing dynamic from you. In other words, you are directing here with verbal commands and gestures: do this and that [with that couple/guy/girl/group] and you stay connected. This is a Director’s job. If you lose that connection, you’ve lost. That is why this is an advanced practice and can easily backfire.

Remember: if you’re not maintaining the Master-to-Student dynamic, you haven’t done a thing.

Lessons should be graded. If the student is not making progress in class, guess what ? She gets a F (hopefully not); you may not be compatible after all.

Let us have students who are happily As and Bs. Flunkies usually get dropped.

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10 Rules for your Woman life https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/04/10-rules-for-your-woman-life/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/04/10-rules-for-your-woman-life/#comments Sat, 04 Apr 2020 21:18:16 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2086 When you see the unfettered cuntery of the modern American woman, you see the virus that spread faster than the Coronavirus… Couple of days ago was April 1st. April 1st was re-birthed by women as Men’s Day. Fools’ Day is now Men’s Day -this is no joke. I came up … Continue Reading10 Rules for your Woman life

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When you see the unfettered cuntery of the modern American woman, you see the virus that spread faster than the Coronavirus… Couple of days ago was April 1st. April 1st was re-birthed by women as Men’s Day. Fools’ Day is now Men’s Day -this is no joke.

I came up with a few versatile and effective ways to manage women, whose despotism starts at an early age and is trumped up and encouraged by society. But first understand:

Female nature is to TAKE only.

From the earliest age, girls are accustomed to RECEIVE everything from men, They receive attention, praise and rewards of all sorts, the clothes they want, the trips, allowances, permission. If Daddy has the money he buys them a car. An education.

Girls are Good” is the motto of our society.

Girls need help and care.

Then boys come into their (adult) lives. More attention. Building the plantation (their base of admirers). Reversing the sclerotic, unadulterated, female-worshiping sickness of this society takes some work. Let’s start:

  1. Get into the habit of taking from women.

-Instead of offering her a chair, take that chair.

-Get the best seat at a concert/auditorium/movies, only give her what’s left.

Do not open the door for a owoman that you’re dating. If she says “Why didn’t you open the car/hotel/front door for me ?” say “You’re not over 65, Grandma.”

Going through her refrigerator, take some good stuff out. Don’t ask for permission. “Hey, you took my milk. Reply: “I needed some.” Take some of her fruit, spices, etc. Don’t put it back.

“Borrow” money from her. Start small. 50 bucks. “It’s for an emergency”. You might even need some cash for that loan payment. Say: “1000 bucks, babe ?” “Money doesn’t buy happiness, lover.”

Even strangers can be your angels.

At the bar, go straight to the prettiest girl and say: “Buy me a drink.” She’ll either be spilling her drink or tell you to get lost. Say: “So rude. You have already lost. You’re out of the running.” Then move on to the next girl.

At the store check out lines -when lines are normal, not now when they’re 6 feet apart – if a pretty girl is near you go and ask her: “Give me two bucks to complete my purchase -show her your cart-can you believe it I left my other cards at home !”

2. While in a relationship, you need to line up your dates in “lessons” fashion.

What does that mean ? Well, everyone went to school. In school lessons are given in a one-by-one fashion. The Teacher grades students. YOU ARE THE TEACHER. You need to give her a lesson each time, from beginning to intermediary to advanced.

Lesson One can be classic missionary style sex. Lesson Number Two can be Little Red Riding Hood gets lost because she’s not walking fast enough. Lesson Three is Little Red Riding Hood gets lost in the hood and gets fucked with a red hooded cape over her head. Lesson Four she gets punished…etc.

After you’ve had sex with a girl, rate her performance [before she leaves]. “You got a B- today”. Or “On a scale of 1-to-10, you were a six today !”

3. As you’re dating a girl, after you’ve had sex the third time, do not initiate contact (like you normally would). Go cold. When she calls, maybe asking why she hasn’t heard from you after the last time you were together, do not give her any reason, or excuse. Say: Aha, Ok, I’m fine. You’ll need to do that several times over the months or years of a relationship. Get cold to her before she gets cold to you.

4. There’s a debate whether watching porn is good or bad for men. Most men argue porn is is bad for men as it replaces real relationships. They argue porn is setting “unrealistic expectations”. My gf doesn’t look like Gia Derza.

Let me ask you: if you play golf, is watching Tiger Woods setting unrealistic expectations for you ? Do you stop playing because you watched those PGA pros ? If it is “bitter” for women to watch porn (it isn’t; it’s just not that stimulating), let her take that bitter pill.

At some point in time, play a hardcore porn scene that you like, “for her”. This can be a 3-minute clip or a full 20-minute scene. Are you worrying she’ll have a heart break or something ? Her thoughts are dirtier than the dirtiest XXX movie ever made.

SEX is the sport that everybody is playing. Obviously everyone is at a certain skill-point, and that skill point has nothing to do with age or looks. A woman can be the greatest- looking and her skill level be zero or one.

5. I have said it before, you must have not-available times for your wife or girlfriend, set blocks of hours during the day when she cannot reach you. By phone. By email. By car. By anything.

6. Ways to greet your wife or girlfriend:

What did you bring me today, love ?

“Did you buy that armchair furniture we had to replace ?”

7. Everyone should be in quarantine AWAY from his girlfriend at least one week per month. The longer you two have been together, the more you fade from her.

8. Social media is 90% of the worthiness (or worthlessness) of women these days. Every woman thinks she is some kind of a star. In reality, her posting on social media is virtue-signalling with pictures for the gang of girlfriends and losers who follow her online. You do have to use SM when you bring someone new into your dragnet, so you’ll need her Whatsup and Skype. Should you really be paying attention to a woman’s social media ? The answer is no, she’s posting shit for her fans. Don’t be one of those fans.

9. Make her promises that you will not keep. Not the bullshit “I’ll love you forever” which nobody believes in anyway. Examples:

“I’ll take out the trash.” -Then don’t do it.

“I’ll buy us a membership.” -Then don’t do it.

“We’re going to Hawaii this summer.” -Then don’t go.

10. If you’re in along term-relationship and you have to meet her family, say your rule is “Family first“.

When you get peppered with questions:

Do you want kids ? –“I’ve been thinking about it.”

Are you getting that promotion or new job ? –“That’s a distinct possibility.”

What are your goals ? -“My goals are to especially effective this year.”

You get the idea. No commitment. You don’t need their approval.

BONUS TIP: When getting a girl’s phone number: “Honey bee, what your number ?”… She gives phone number…

Notice: I didn’t even ask for her name. Her name means nothing until she works like a bee for your honey.

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Corona Game https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/03/corona-game/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2020/03/corona-game/#comments Mon, 30 Mar 2020 19:08:05 +0000 https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/?p=2065 We’re leaving the nerds behind today. Did you really think I like talking about The Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), SIEVE, Cross-Fault Tolerance (XFT), Proof of Elapsed Time, Hyperledger Iroha, Hyperledger Burrow, Ripple & Stellar Blockchain, Ripple Consensus Protocol Algorithm, Stellar Consensus Protocol Algorithm, and other nerdy stuff ? No … Continue ReadingCorona Game

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We’re leaving the nerds behind today.

Did you really think I like talking about The Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance (PBFT), SIEVE, Cross-Fault Tolerance (XFT), Proof of Elapsed Time, Hyperledger Iroha, Hyperledger Burrow, Ripple & Stellar Blockchain, Ripple Consensus Protocol Algorithm, Stellar Consensus Protocol Algorithm, and other nerdy stuff ? No way !

Three readers who wished to remain anonymous and self-described themselves as “woman-pros” emailed me with their “Corona -time” women lay tips. While the rest of the male population (sadly including myself) have less lays these days, three guys, Bill, Evan and Mike, say they’ve increased their lays -the number of women they’ve slept with – organically and under the conditions of “social-distancing”.

How the fuck is that possible if public venues are closed, you can’t go to show, a pub, a meeting and (for most) you can’t even travel anywhere ? At first I thought they’re getting the women who smoke cigars – like the guy below probably did.

Fidel was a womanizer alright

This is what these three noble gentlemen had to say (mix-and-match)

Bill: It’s nurses time

Nurses and health-care workers have their priorities straight. I got a nurse whom I spotted in a parking lot on a same-day lay. I came straight-faced to her when she was almost getting ready to get into her car:

  • I said: I know you’re washing your hands. Let’s go home and get into the shower together.
  • She looked at me starry-eyed and said: I’m sorry ?
  • I said: You know hygiene and contamination protocols. C’mon , let’s go. I live 10 minutes away – a short walk. Leave your car where it is.
  • Her: Whaaat ?
  • I said: You’ve worked hard all day. You can’t even go outside without a mask anymore. Leave your stuff in your car. Let’s go.

We went over to my place and it was a better fuck than I’ve had in weeks…and the best she ever had, to be sure. Remember: a nurse, coming from work (she was still wearing nurse uniform) is ready.

Evan: Grocery store soldier

In a grocery store I spotted a hottie in black leggings, blond hair cropped short, good curves. Once she crossed my path more than twice I knew it was time to act.

  • From a distance: Me: I’ve been doing some running myself, you know.
  • Her: No response.
  • Me: As long as we’re keeping the 6 feet distance, I feel safe. (looking over my shoulders, 360 degrees around)
  • Her (responding for the first time): I know.
  • Me [looking over the items in her cart]: Boy, I’m glad these nut cases left some cheese for us.
  • Her: no response.
  • Me: You’re not working now, are you ?
  • Her: No.
  • Me: I just can’t stand it. What’s your number ? I’ll call you in a few hours to check up on you.
  • Her: Gives out phone number. After I entered it, I got her to say her name out to me, then left. Easy-peasy.

Mike: Old contact lay

Yesterday morning I went though my phone. I have to say I never cleaned my phone list, not in last 5 years for sure. Although I do have it organized-a bit-, there are plenty of numbers of women that for some reason or another I never followed up on. I thought that I should call some of these numbers. And so I called Nancy, who I must have met two years ago at a meeting. I think it was a formal meeting of sorts. Phone rang, and she answered.

  • I said: Hey.
  • Her: Hello, who is it ?
  • Me: This is Mike. Met you some time ago.
  • Her: Ahh.
  • Me: You’re at home ?
  • Her: Yes
  • Home alone ?
  • Her: Yes.
  • Me: You’re not working.
  • Her: No.
  • Me: Bad girl (laughing)
  • They’re keeping us safe like pets in a cage.
  • Her: says nothing, except suave giggle.
  • Me again: I know where you live you live by 24th street (I had no idea where she actually lived)
  • Her: No, I live in East Flatiron.
  • Me: Are you washing your hands ?
  • Her: I do.
  • Me: I have to see you do it.
  • Her: But I do.
  • Me: I’m not saying you don’t, I have to see you doing it. I’m coming over there. Unless your mom is there too. (I threw that in there, although she first said -lied- she was all alone)
  • Her: She is.
  • Me: Then come over to my place. No, wash your hands first, then come on over.
  • Her: I don’t know
  • Me: You know to wash you hands, don’t you. Come over, Cinderella.
  • Her: Who is Cinderella
  • Me: You. (I texted her my address) Tell your mom you’re going to the grocery store ’cause you need something for a smoothie
  • Her: What smoothie ?
  • Me: The one you’ll be having at my place.
  • Her : No response
  • That’s it. I already made it. It’s Mm-mm.

She made it. And we had one smooth-of-a-time. So my tips for folks: answering machines – hang up. Disconnected old numbers -remove. Hard nos- remove. Soft nos -90% they are hard nos. Remember: it started with a phone call, NOT a text. Do not text a woman who may not even remember you.

Videos, Page Two: Women smoking cigars -NSFW unless you’re working at home

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Fiercest battle of them all: the battle of the sexes https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2017/02/fiercest-battle-of-them-all-the-battle-of-the-sexes/ https://wallstreetdealmaker.com/2017/02/fiercest-battle-of-them-all-the-battle-of-the-sexes/#comments Wed, 15 Feb 2017 06:04:00 +0000 http://wallstreetdealmaker.com/index.php/2017/02/15/fiercest-battle-of-them-all-the-battle-of-the-sexes/ In Japan the tradition is for women to give gifts and chocolates to men on Valentines Day (USA Today). Men get a chance to reciprocate one month later, on White Day, a more recently established tradition. How is a Wall Street veteran to weight in the battle of the sexes … Continue ReadingFiercest battle of them all: the battle of the sexes

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In Japan the tradition is for women to give gifts and chocolates to men on Valentines Day (USA Today). Men get a chance to reciprocate one month later, on White Day, a more recently established tradition.

How is a Wall Street veteran to weight in the battle of the sexes ? From a strategic point, men have lost that battle. Women have largely won, their sense of self-aggrandizement and self-entitlement is out-of-scale. A few bright guys in the manosphere brought to light the so called reality based “red pill” thinking, but that is not necessarily new.

Women initiate 70% of divorces, so who’s in the driver seat ?

“Sixty per cent of the 2,000 women surveyed by London dating app The Inner Circle admitted refusing a second date with a guy – after finding he had a lower salary than them.- Express U.K.

“Love never dies of starvation, but often of indigestion”. -Ninon de L’Enclos, French author

Let’s have a look at dating and female manipulation with excerpts
from Rev. Lawrence Shannon’s “The Predatory Female” 1992 book

What women want

Q. Beyond herself and her status with other women, does anything else pique her interest?
A. Yes, any combination of money, romance, and excitement. The scent of these accommodations will have her rising like a cobra in a wicker basket. The provider of such diversions occupies center stage in her life, but his identity is unimportant to her, and it’s a temporary position. Nobody can amuse her forever. All pied pipers eventually fade into the past.

The end game

When you begin to fraternize with a woman, you are taking the first steps in a ritual mating dance that, if allowed to progress, will result in your moving about the floor in a semi-comatose state until you are fleeced of your money, property, and peace of mind. A predatory female will study you. She learns to know what you are thinking. She begins the strongest primeval death grip known to man.

Male drones are essential to matriarchy

…the matriarchal system could never operate efficiently without the hordes of male drones it has created. These men, preconditioned by their mothers and suffering from a self-imposed order of chivalry, consistently front for the system and its predatory female masters.

Hard to win

If an individual fails to understand that a female’s charms are never given, only loaned, he is doomed to exploitation. The male must constantly remember that there is absolutely no such entity as an exclusive use of a woman’s sexual favors. There are always other men, and sometimes women. The man’s innate desire to possess a female, to have his own little sex doll and intimate companion, is his biggest vulnerability. A predatory female will use this weakness to lead him into a trap and destroy him.


Many divorced men are sending monthly alimony checks to women bearing little resemblance, physically or mentally, to the ones they married.

What About Love?

Q. You haven’t mentioned love as an interest of the predatory female. Why?
A. The predatory female never loves a man; she only loves the love. This is a basic rule.

The Chameleon Syndrome

Q. What is the chameleon syndrome?
A. A quasi-supernatural transformation, the chameleon syndrome is the predatory female’s unholy ability to become whatever the script calls for in “hooking” a man. She will adopt his viewpoints, his attitudes, his hobbies, and his dislikes. Her personality will change to suit his. She will enroll in classes, become a gourmet cook, stop smoking, switch religions, accept his friends, humor his jealousies, develop a relationship with his relatives, or whatever else is called for. She will change colors in the rocks like a chameleon! Of all the traits exhibited by predatory females, this chameleon syndrome is one of the most lethal.


Q. Do predatory females physically disguise themselves?
A. Yes. The predatory female habitually employs subterfuge. Each morning across America, millions of women don disguises. They use make-up, wigs, face paint, phony eyebrows, false eye lashes, eye shadow, lipstick, false fingernails, hair color, corsets, sprays, and other camouflage.

Women’s clothing designers often refer to the “illusion” they are creating. Occasionally these females improve that appearance, but the fact remains they are hiding something. They are fooling somebody. The practice is so commonplace that few see it for what it is: deception.

Slot Machine

Q. And a date is like feeding in the first quarter?
A. Yes, and you might hit a jackpot. But sooner or later the slot takes it all back with interest.

Remember, she is happiest when she is working to please you.

— Rivelino (@alpharivelino) February 21, 2017

Role Reversal

Q. What is the role reversal safeguard?
A. It’s a simple step to guard against doing something stupid when dealing with a predatory female. Just reverse the situation and ask yourself if she would do what she’s asking or expecting you to do. A good example is marriage. Few women would marry if the conditions and ground rules were reversed. Under no circumstance would a predatory female put herself in the legally and financially subservient position that a man assumes when he marries. Role reversal always illuminates dealings with predatory females. Sometimes when buying an expensive dinner for a female, ask yourself if
she would do that for you. Would she buy your dinner and pay for your drinks? Anytime you find yourself fanning your wallet around a woman, try the role reversal test.


Q. How does the predatory female use guilt to manipulate males?
A. Guilt is one of the predatory female’s most powerful tools. With guilt, she keeps her victims on the defensive. She uses it on males from a young age, at the outset of dating, to control them. She is surprised at how eagerly they accept this charade. She makes them feel guilty about simply wanting sex, a basic, primal urge. Once successful at that, the pattern is set. Cultivating a habit of making men feel apologetic about their wants, sexual or otherwise, she assumes the aristocrat role – expecting things done for her – and silently demands that her male companion take the role of butler,
chauffeur, valet, and financial benefactor. The male, while simultaneously suffering from a guilt trip and nurturing a sniveling desire to get laid, is delighted to pick up the tab.

Another Pitfall

Q. What other seeds of destruction are inherent in marriage?
A. Although either unaware or able to conceal it, the new wife is almost immediately dissatisfied. She wanted stability and security, but now finds these commodities boring. There’s no adventure or excitement. She begins to chafe at the bit. She halfway wishes her husband had stuck to his guns when he originally declined to marry. She begins to resent him for marrying her. In a sense, she will never forgive him for letting her do this to herself. Finally, like a cow grazing along the edge of a field, she begins leaning on the fence. The fence bows and stretches awkwardly. Without crossing over, she may soon be able to enjoy the next pasture while defecating in her own.

Perpetual Estrangement

Q. My wife has remained distant and cold to me for a long time but has never mentioned a divorce. It’s like living in a limbo. Your comments?
A. A woman doesn’t have to physically leave you to dump you. Millions of wives don’t give a damn about their husbands, but are happy to spend his money and enjoy, what is for them, the prestige and benefits of marriage.

Big Wedding

Q. My ex-inlaws couldn’t get into a pay toilet so my parents paid for most of a large and expensive wedding. With the divorce in progress, they feel ripped off, too.
A. Very common. Another basic rule states that the length of the marriage is inversely proportional to the cost of the wedding.

Let It Rest

Q. Rev. Shannon, do you have any comments for divorced women?
A. Only to quote the immortal words of Hoveden: “Stir not the embers with the sword.”

The Beginning

Q. How do I re-program myself?
A. Condition yourself physically and mentally. Most people look like gunnysacks full of doorknobs. This is partially due to heavy doses of dependency on predatory females. Work out every day and get yourself into good physical shape. Take up a sport and start running. Do what predatory females have done for thousands of years – concentrate completely on yourself

Note: These quotes and more are from Return of Kings, Scribd , Issuu. The Predatory Female is not recommended by: National Organization of Women, American Bar Association, Rev. Jerry Falwell, Marvin Mitchelson, The League of Women Voters, National Association of Trial Lawyers, Daughters of the American Revolution, The American Medical Association. The College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, The National Council of Churches, Dr. Joyce Bozo. Publisher does not endorse or recommend any particular article, and does not offer any advice, training or solutions.

Don’t moan and groan or bitch—I’ve never tolerated that, because it’s contagious.

— Barbara Corcoran (@BarbaraCorcoran) February 12, 2017

What is a guy to do to increase his chances of winning at this lottery ?

  1. Get a girl who had a strong male father figure. These are the girls with the best upbringing that reinforced the values of femininity and submissiveness.
  2. I think older males getting younger girls it’s a win if they get to mold them. Hedge funder John Paulson married an immigrant girl who was working as his secretary and that marriage seems to be holding water.
  3. While you are dating you can hang a sign outside your bedroom door reading “Golddiggers not welcomed.” If someone’s asking about the sign you can say you only welcome goldiggers if they’re at a mortuary digging though dead people teeth.
  4. Establish your policy to keep women accountable. The tweet above, from a woman, Barbara Corcoran (who’s also a judge on Shark Tank) should be your policy.
  5. Well, what do you do if you are dealing with the busy career oriented women like those in the poll that rejected 60% of dates [even if good looking] because those men were making less money than themselves ? Do you even want their narcissistic misanthropic pull ? They live by this rule and [Sex and the City] culture.

    “Man may have discovered fire, but women discovered how to play with it.”
    ― Candace Bushnell, Sex and the City

  6. The protector myth.

    “Every man I meet wants to protect me. I can’t figure out what from.”
    ― Mae West

  7. Marriage.

    “Never marry at all, Dorian. Men marry because they are tired, women, because they are curious: both are disappointed.”
    ― Oscar Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray

  8. More girl talk:

    “Don’t leave a piece of jewelry at his house so you can go back and get it later; he may be with his real girlfriend.”
    ― Amy Sedaris, I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence

    “Failed relationships can be described as so much wasted make-up.”
    ― Marian Keyes, Watermelon

    “Don’t worry about hurting me, if that’s what you’re afraid of. I want to get hurt. At least I´ll feel something for a change.”
    ― Katie Kacvinsky, Awaken

  9. “Most men claim to desire driven, independent and confident women. Yet when confronted with such a creature reverence often evolves into resent. For just like women, men need to be needed.”
    ― Tiffany Madison
  10. “To find out if she really loved me, I hooked her up to a lie detector. And just as I suspected, my machine was broken.
    ― Dark Jar Tin Zoo, Love Quotes for the Ages. Specifically Ages 19-91

Sexy Anastasia Ashley Is So Hot On ‘Naked And Afraid’ That She Danced With A Snake And Caused A Monkey To Jerk Off https://t.co/umd9EFo0G3 pic.twitter.com/89PMUwDTCK

— BroBible (@BroBible) February 21, 2017

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